[@MelonHead] Well, given the discussion of a few pages earlier I was disregarding firearms and other heavy-duty projectiles, as they don't seem to be an issue in most dispowered fights. In which case, slings and arrows are the big ones, and those were dealt with by either being Iron Man or by carrying your cover around with you. Still. If the sheet is an outright ninja, then yeah. Smoke bombs, blinding powders, throwing stuffs. Though there isn't a thrown weapon known to man that matches the range or punch of even a sling, let alone a bow or crossbow. Probably just going to have to accept a disadvantage in most ranged fights outside ten, fifteen meters. As for the blade...[url=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chokut%C5%8D]chokuto[/url], maybe? I really ought to find that sheet if I'm going to keep yapping. But ehh...where's the fun in being informed, eh?