[center][h3]Dariya[/h3][/center] Dariya's head tilted so slightly as Mary Beth announced her "wrathful" punishment. It was a good thing that since little, she had kept her emotions in check fully, because if she had not, she would have broken into laughter much as Julia did, after breaking free of her embrace. Instead, she just frowned slightly in confusion, before tending to what Julia and Kei said. Julia had decided to make this a show of improv, and spout the same kind of language as the other red interloper.[i]So cute![/i] Dariya giggled inside as the red dwarf reasserted herself, after having had a taste of her sweet embrace. It was all proceeding as planned. More or less. With fringe benefits, even. "yay! Hunty time!" Dariya clapped her hands in excitement, after hearing Julia's speech. "I'm on it, Boss!! I'll be an awesome hunterette!" And the so called fringe benefits, namely Kei, also was roped in Julia's game. [i]Excellent.[/i] Proud types were so easy to follow in their game! But one thing concerned her. Mary Beth. Dariya wasn't the most honorable of people, nor the most empathic... but even her could feel pity towards the deluded girl's predicament. A little of prodding in her own was beginning to leave her a strange aftertaste. [i]Just what the hell did all we sign in?[/i] And on top of that, Mary was full of delusions. So, for the first time in a while, Dariya broke her masquerade partially, and blurted. "Wow, that Mary sure is ditzy!" she said, still in her nice persona mask, in order to make her sound hilariously hypocritical. And both Julia and Kei were gone. Dariya's eyes darted, as she quickly shuffled in a panic reaction "EEEE! WAIT FOR ME BOSS!" She added as she flailed, her legs beginning to make the motion of a run... only to end up tangled with eachother, her entire face colliding with the ground in a rather clumsy fall. [i]Ow! I'm still not used back to having a left leg, it seems.[/i] She added internally, rubbing her nose with teary eyes. And they were gaining ground in a race. Both seemed fit, in addition to the more than probable durability enhacement of magical girls. She couldn't bet them by running normally. Flicking her wrists, she then used her weapons to tightly bind her legs and... chest. [i]Well, It's tight enough for a little jumping, but I don't want risking smacking myself with my own chest while sprinting. It's time for a hard test run. How hard these bodies can really jump and run?[/i] Dariya added, before raising her butt in the air with crouching hands and legs. The speedrunner start position. She tensed her legs. She undid her mental hesitation. And forsake all fear of injuries. [i]Go.[/i] And she ran. At her fullest. Disregarding the force she was putting on her own body. She could feel energy coursing through her veins. All the times she wanted to jog but she couldn't back in the hospital, she did it now. "WEEEEE!" She let out a exhalation of Joy, as she ran faster than any normal girl or even sportsman could hope to be.