Name: Alyssa Samara Chase Nicknames: Aly, Sam, Chase, Alz Code Name: Case, Jels, Mky. Gender: Female Hight: 5'3" Sexuality: Straight Blood type: A negetive Age: 17 Appearance: [img][/img] Outfit: [img][/img] [img][/img] Bio: Alyssa joined the gang when she was fifteen, around the time her abusive father kicked her out of her house. She didn't have any where to go after this. She didn't know most of her family members and her mom was dead. Her mom died when she was four and she doesn't remember much. Before she was kicked out of her house she had some previose engagement on trying to join the gang. It took her two months of hard determination to get in the gang. She got the part after she made a deal with one of the members who is sadly now dead. She doesn't know much about the death or cared to look into it, as long as she isn't blamed for it. Personality: She is very stuburn and can be quite mean whether or not she is trying to be or not. She is very determined to do something she is interested in. She is not much of a partyier but tends to do it anyways despite her hate for crouds and load noises. She can be very lazy at times also. She is sneaky and selfish also and will do a lot of things for her own good before sh even thinks about anyone else in the world. She acts as though she doesn't have a care in the world. Yauy!!