[@Legion02] Well. That depends on a whole number of factors. First and foremost, IS THAT EVEN POSSIBLE!? XD I would suppose it could be possible that they could notice people suddenly fishing spirits in greater amounts. Or maybe they can just feel that their cute little spirits are being used in strange experiments. Penokio kinda definitely does not want the mages to know due to possible sacrilege they might be doing, but as the importance of the "pet project" might increase, it is certainly possible that Jonathan might go to the experts in magic for some qualified advice in what he's doing, since nobody in Orngat can throw a spell to save his/her life, anyway. But, heh. They don't NECESSARILY know. It might become bigger, that they tell their findings to the Order (and probably get one heck of a funding all of a sudden), in which case it wouldn't be strange if allies are notified and such. I'll just ask another question. Is there any specific reason you're asking for? XD