[sub][sub][h3]Planet Luynus - [i]Snoria Bazaar [Southeastern Apartment Building Rooftop][/i] - Early Evening[/h3][/sub][/sub][hr] Varrina's head throbbed at the sheer volume of mental communications pinging one after the other. This kind of situation was precisely the reason why she had never supported the admittedly secure line of communication when it was made mandatory to use among units. Words echoed against the intangible walls of her mind and the incessant pings seemed to last an eternity. Despite the annoyance, the most important message was transmitted loud and clear and the grid coordinates appeared within the scope atop Cyclops. This special optical sight contained a built-in network chip that allowed the rifle to send and receive limited forms of data. This mostly resulted in short messages and coordinates being relayed when necessary; Varrina quickly scanned over the coordinates and immediately pulled her focus over to the digital flare that marked the location. Instinct forced thoroughly trained hands to adjust multiple dials as the sniper prepared to survey the situation. [color=0076a3][/color] [color=violet]"Well well,"[/color] Varrina cooed to herself, an involuntary smirk forming. [color=violet]"A fellow cyberized female..."[/color] Bringing a flexible leg up towards her upper torso, she pulled her pants leg up and unholstered a modest .40 caliber handgun. The ebony weapon was full-size and simply designed, lacking both a safety and any technical modifications. It was a relic from the days of Earth when guns were simply loaded with ammunition and fired relying solely on the skill and accuracy of the user - definitely not a favorite of the 7-5 sniper, but it could still handle medium to close range situations like a champ. She laid the weapon next to the standing rifle without taking her greenish-blue eye away from the scope. This was a simple cautionary step now that action was being taken - she was not one for uninvited guests on her perch. Cyclops followed the flare easy enough, but another problem soon arose. Taking a moment of concentration, Varrina sent out a message. [color=violet][i][/i][/color] She followed the unknown target in the scope hoping for even a tiny bit of open space. Throngs of hurried shoppers that once stood out on the ground level now appeared to be simple copies of one another all dressed in similarly disheveled clothing and scurrying around so much that it was simply impossible to land a clean shot - a clean shot being one that pierced the target without going through three other people first. Varrina cursed under breath, but continued to follow. Even if she could not land a solid shot, she could at least relay some pertinent information. [color=violet][i][/i][/color] With a sigh, Varrina continued to follow the chip and its speedy owner. She welcomed the challenge of such a fast moving target, but the realization that she would not be the one to take her down was a disappointment what some would call the trigger happy sniper. She knew the rest of the team would have the situation under contol however, even if her baby would not get to feel a little heat on this one.