[center][h1]IMPERIAL PRESS SERVICE WEEKLY[/h1][/center] [center][h2]JUNE 22, 1920[/h2][/center] [center][h3]Ambassador Retires[/h3][/center] After returning from an unsuccessful visit to the Grand Duchy of Essenheim, Deputy Foreign Minister Yvael Hurdu resigned from the Imperial Diplomatic Corps. The veteran official explained, "[i]My mind isn't as sharp and my memory isn't as clear as it used to be. I must swallow my pride and open the way for one of our New Generation to take my place. Aed willing, they will do better than I did last week.[/i]" Many are saddened by Deputy Minister Yvael's departure, and even more so by the circumstances of his fading mind. Our prayers for good health are with the man, and our prayers for success with his predecessor. The replacement in question is Voli Haldu, a young Byrnian Diplomatic Corps agent with an excellent record. When approached by the IPS, he had the following to say: "[i]My first order of business is to visit the Grand Duchy of Essenheim, offering the Grand Survaek Empire's apologies for our last delegate's poor conduct. Naturally, I will also attempt to bring forward proposals for the common good of our nations: An embassy exchange, opening trade, non-aggression, and perhaps mutual defense should our interests sufficiently align.[/i]" [center][h3]Foreign Minister Expelled from Veria, Turns to Mille-Sessau[/h3][/center] The head of the Diplomatic Corps, Foreign Minister Aedis Haerk, was apprehended and expelled from the Verian port-city of Oi early last week. Shortly thereafter, the Imperial Diplomatic Corps released a statement condemning the "[i]grave and unprovoked insult directed at a diplomat and statesman of the Empire.[/i]" Nevertheless, the Foreign Minister diligently continues his mission of rapprochement between Survaek and its fellow Tervasan powers. He is currently in the Kingdom of Mille-Sessau, neighbor and regional competitor to Veria. Haerk had the following to say about the goals of his visit upon arriving: "[i]After suffering such hostility from the Verians, it is clear that Mille-Sessau is a necessary partner of Survaek in trade and defense, for the good of the Grand Empire and the good of Tervasa. Many options are on the table to secure this, such as material military aid, technological exchange, and perhaps even minor policy changes within the scope of viable reforms. I trust the Sessauans to negotiate in good faith and accept a fair deal, recognizing the many common interests and common threats faced by our two nations.[/i]" [center][img]http://www.elmogaz.com/sites/default/files/styles/calgary_in_full_node/public/2013/12/09/arton62292-370x480.jpg?itok=cMYdWwdl[/img][/center] [center][i]Foreign Minister Aedis Haerk, photographed shortly before his voyage to Veria.[/i][/center] [center][h3]Surv-Akur Arms Bureau Revitalized[/h3][/center] After thorough review by the Surv-Akur high command and the Imperial Bureaucracy, the Surv-Akur Arms Bureau will return to normal operations. The state agency, responsible for managing Army industry as well as a host of technological innovations and designs vital to military production, was plagued by inefficiency and corruption after the mass resignation of Surv-Akur officials following the Treaty of Parma. 403 functionaries and 38 high officials were fired following the state review, and 1,200 new functionaries and 50 high officials were hired to replace them and address under-staffing issues. Furthermore, the Arms Bureau will now exist under the joint supervision of the Surv-Akur and the Imperial Bureaucracy, ensuring transparency and strict oversight. Now purged of graft and properly staffed, the Surv-Akur Arms Bureau can resume research, development, and production. A number of Crown Manufactory, Inc. factories whose production had been suspended will now be able to continue their contracts with the Surv-Akur Arms Bureau. Foedinei in particular, where the largest small arms and uniform manufactories are located, will see a rise in state employment and production. [center][img]http://moorishsociety.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/04/fezfactory2.jpeg[/img][/center] [center][i]Crown Manufactory, Inc. Uniform Factory A. The factory, located in the Foedinei Old Manufactory District, will resume production next Monday.[/i][/center]