[quote=@Antarctic Termite] [@Ariamis][@Vocab][@kusanagifire][@Lolita Complex] Can we maybe rely on Frederica and Megumi to finish off the familiar before the strawberry gang gets too close? They'll sense that it's gone and won't have to pursue any further other than to extricate Salomea, and anyone who's not Julia might collectively be motivated to leave the scene to avoid confrontation with whoever the hell did the thing. After that someone will have to round up Mary and her bag, which might help split us up a little more until the next in-game day. [/quote] I second this notion. Having the two closest to the familiar kill it would be a nice wrap up for what's currently going on, and could allow for new scenes that might not be as much of a cluster as this one could become, what with it being a special event for the town and all.