Jacque found himself resisting the urge to jokingly waggle is eyebrows at Reema after catching Elysia's comment about the Jaggi bones. The only thing that kept him from doing so, was the fact that he was almost certain that the huntress would leave him with even more injuries than those he already sported. It seemed as though Elysia was at least entertaining the possibility of partying with everyone, and for that Jacque was glad. He laughed, shoulders and braids bouncing up and down with the action as Elysia offered her ultimatum regarding everyone's names "[b]While I wouldn't be [i]completely[/i] adversed to an odd nickname, m'name's Jacque. It's nice to meet you.[/b]". Jacque didn't really have much time to get much further than his name as the others got ready to ship out, "[b]We can get more properly acquainted later tonight, for now it seems that the others are ready to go.[/b]" [h3]--[/h3] Jacque let out a tired but content sigh as he entered his room and began to shed his armor. After getting back to the village he'd chosen to split off from the others to run a few errands. The first and most obvious choice was to cash in for his part of the pay for the jaggi extermination, his proof of success being the head of the Great Jaggi tucked beneath his arm. Being that he'd done the mission as part of a group he received only a portion of the payment. A quick trip to the local weaponsmith to sell the sinew he'd collected netted the hunter a bit more zenny, enough so that he could visit a doctor for his wounds and make good on his promise to pay for food and drink for his comrades. He was a bit upset when he realized that he likely wouldn't have enough to buy a good whetstone to replace the one he'd brought from home that was steadily being whittled to nothing, or to purchase the supplies necessary to get a few potions for later use, but he figured he might be able to borrow a stone from one of the others at least for the night and simply go foraging for more herbs tomorrow. Following the retrieval of his payment Jacque visited the local doctor's office, where after parting with a handful of zenny and the story of how he got the injury Jacque received a bit of salve and bandaging for his hand and shoulder, as well as a solid tongue lashing from the doctor on duty about being more careful. Now, back in his room, Jacque pried himself free of the top half of his amor, inspecting both it and his sword for any sort of defects or damage as he cleaned them off. A once over of the spot where the Jaggi had bitten down on him revealed that, although the creature's teeth had failed to fully punch through, it had dented the metal in that particular spot a bit. Not an immediate concern for the moment, but definitely something for him to fix the very moment he had the cash. His sword, although not damaged, had lost a bit of sharpness. Jacque rooted around in his bag for a bit before coming away with a whetstone that looked due to crumble at any moment. And crumble it indeed did after a few strokes. Jacque sighed through his nose and nodded his head in resignation, "[b]S'about right for my luck.[/b]" he said to no one in particular as he stood and hefted the weapon onto his shoulder. Not quite in the mood to figure out who lived in what room Jacque simply poked his head out of the doorway to his own room and half shouted to anyone that may have been in range, "[b]Anyone got a whetstone they're willing to share? Mine kind of disintegrated![/b]".