[@MonsieurShade] Hearing a voice booming down the hall Reema looked up, a knife still in hand and skin stained a dark pink from the blood she grabbed a towel, cleaning off her arms as she stood. Might as well help the guy, couldn't afford to have their tank fall apart on them during a hunt. That would be a sheer nightmare. "Hold on a sec Jacque, I got one." Walking down the halls hands in her loose pockets she felt herself feeling strange. Maybe it was the new area and she wore her armour everywhere or maybe it was the sea air but each step was uneasy. Shrugging her shoulders she brushed the thought away. They just came back from a hunt thats all. "Well than seems you got hurt the most. You holding together?" She couldn't help but notice the wound, first time she seen it since its not buried under armour. Her own arms showing a few scratches and bite marks in the joints where her armour was. Yet that was nothing compared to the wounds on her comrades shoulder. Going to her door she opened it to the room. Rummaging through her bag to find the wetstone that was given to her last night. Holding it out to the male she tilted her head. "By the way, anything you wanted from the kill aside from the head? I'm cleaning everything off it right now, don't want anything to rot."