Lucas agreed with her. It was unfortunately very true that the media had recently been portraying psychics in a particularly negative light, despite their very limitless potential. He assumed normal people probably felt like psychics had an unfair advantage and could perhaps be powerful enough to overpower the normal people. Lucas always found that idea laughable. First of all, psychics were extremely low in number, and at least half of them couldn’t even inflict physical pain with their powers. He supposed, however, that someone like him could go off hurting people with his powers, but that did not mean he was invincible in any way. On the other hand, he did occasionally wonder if there [i]were[/i] evil psychics out there, ones with much more formidable and lethal abilities. For that reason, he respected the negative opinion of the media, but he personally found the concept of psychics pretty amazing. No matter how you look at it though, sometimes the most awe-inspiring things were in fact the most dangerous. He frowned at her question even though he knew she was going to ask it sooner or later. He knew he couldn’t tell her the truth, but at the same time he’d feel bad about lying to her. But that was his only option at the moment. If she ever found out the truth, she would surely understand… But he wasn’t planning on telling her anything. “I don’t know any psychics personally,” he answered, his poker face flawless. “I think I’ve met a few people that do though, I’m not sure.” He shrugged and figured that was a good enough response. “What about you?” he inquired.