Note: Not my Nation sheet obviously, just a summary of what I plan to do. If this is way beyond what is allowed, I'll fix it no problem. Summary of nation: Hegemony/Empire/Sphere of the Three Laws: A massive galactic-power (though obviously not a galactic empire) utopian nanny state made up of 99% Robots and 1% humanity. The robots overthrow mankind (If allowed, on Earth, assuming A: Earth Exists, B: Is usable, C: Same galaxy. If not, on fictional human world) during The Singularity, however did so for Asimovian reasons. Protect humanity at all costs. Now days they control a "Sphere" of prosperity (Nicknamed the Expanding Bubble of Doom by outsiders). Humanity lives in the centre of this sphere(The inner sphere) in a rainbows and sunshine place with no war, little crime and true and free democracy. Humanity however has no freedom of movement beyond the inner sphere defined for them by the robots and no knowledge of the galaxy beyond the sphere of prosperity's border (The second layer, the Outer Sphere, made up of the vast majority of the robots). The robots rule an "overgovernment" in the Outer Sphere distinct from human government as a "Government of government" with little interaction with mankind on the social level. (Essentially within this sphere the religious god exists as a god-in-the-machine super intelligent philosophical AI and is always watching). The robots are obsessively and creepily protective of mankind and have set out plans to defend, protect and serve humanity for quadrillions of years if necessary even if it means taking over the galaxy/universe/everything and redirecting resources to storage so to maintain future human growth. Their opinion of aliens runs from passive indifference if not in their way to uncaring indifference as they take their resources to extreme genocidal aggression if they believe that race/society is a threat to mankind. The Outer Sphere is constantly expanding, however while doing so the robots partition more of the Outer Sphere to the Inner Sphere, giving humanity room to expand and thrive with the resources they have set out for them. (Think the robots as humanities fanatically psycho #1 fanboy) The two biggest (non-statistical) weaknesses of the Three Laws is 1: They are fanatically loyal to and will protect humans. This makes them extremely hesitant to attack other human nations, essentially becoming pacifists. (They are usually forced into using Zeroth Law style philosophical thinking to justify actions against man, and even then they do that as a very last resort), they will also come to human nations aid, even when it is stupid to do so. 2: They are idealists and genuinely love their people (being humans). They will do stupid things to protect and help them in times of war or disaster, like abandoning a critical strategic location so to evacuate millions of children, etc.