Elysia unpacked the little bit she had salvaged from the battle with the Jaggi. She took her whetstone to her switch axe again, mindlessly sharpening what she knew couldn't be sharpened any further. It kept her mind off of having failed her quest. She'd come back with only one set of Kelpi Horns. Sure, she'd taken down a few Jaggi and some of the people in the village had celebrated her and the others for their accomplishments. However, when she returned to the woman to tell her she'd failed the quest.. the stare she'd received. A disapproving mother's glare.. only making her feel worse. She placed her switch axe on the ground, running her hands through her short hair and then tugging on it in frustration. She'd come here to prove herself as a hunter.. and the first thing she did was fail. She could almost hear Roy again, telling her she was too small, and though she could try, she'd never make a good hunter. Elysia brooded for a moment, sitting on the side of her bed while she verbally assaulted herself for being a dumbass. [i]What a way to start off your career as a hunter, you big idiot.[/i] Frustrated with her internal punishing voice, Elysia started peeling armor from her body. Piece by piece, her body grew lighter and smaller. It was almost unnerving that such a delicate lady could wear the heavy armor, much less run around in it and swing a switch axe. She set the armor on the small table, and then jumped as she heard a voice shouting down the hallway. Something about borrowing a whetstone. Hefting her stone into her hands, she sauntered across the floor, peering in the door to see Jacque... and some other guy? No.. wait.. that was the girl from before.. the other female huntress.. the one who still hadn't introduced herself. Right. Weird nickname time.. Fluffles. Fluffles? Ehhh.. why not? Well, it seemed that 'Fluffles' had come before her. Elysia jammed her whetstone into her pocket, her eyes lingering on Jaque's wrapped wound and then focusing on the scratches and bites on 'Fluffles' arms. She herself had a bite mark, where the Jaggi she'd punched in the face, and a few scratches. But she felt like her wounds were much less impressive and noticeable than both 'Fluffles' and Jaque's wounds. Then her eyes fluttered to his armor and she stared at the dent. She whistled. [color=ed1c24]"Nice dent you have there."[/color] she commented. [color=ed1c24]"It's not as bad as it looks though, tell you what. Because its my fault you got bit in the first place... let me take care of this for you."[/color] She hefted the chest armor into her hands with a grunt. The Chest piece almost seemed bigger than she was. Yet she was holding it without struggling. [color=ed1c24]"I wonder if they will let me use their forge..."[/color] she murmured, thinking out loud for a moment before shaking her head. [color=ed1c24]"I have a little bit of Zenny from the trip. I got a free ride over here thanks to my mentor. Should be enough to cover the repairs."[/color]