Jack held up both hands towards Sektor. "Woah woah woah! Nobody is playing rock em sock em robots at my crime scene! Cool your jets toaster." Alarms were going off in Jacks lizard brain left and right. Most commercial bots cant harm organics if he remembered correctly. This one seems to be designed SPECIFICALLY for that. He needed to get to the crime scene asap before those asshole BoD agents take over and shit on everything. Kate seemed to be upset about the murder over the radio, not just shocked like the usual way someone would react if they heard someone was murdered, but genuinely worried... was it possible she knew the woman who was killed? "Okay... I'll take you up on that offer ONLY if you keep that damn toaster on a leash! I have some creds so I'll happily pay for fuel and transfer fees." Jack said with a smile. "And on the way you can explain to me why you programmed your bot without the three laws..." He added. Jack was hoping he could get there in time so the BoD's wouldn't take over due to lack of investigators on the scene. One thing he hated more than having a case on his day off was losing a case to those polished white douchebags that do nothing but blame it on gang violence and harass Beta locals until they admit to something illegal. Probabbly wouldn't even find the killer, instead put Beta on lockdown and give politicians something to yapp and complain about between there visits to their penthouses full of "classy" prostitutes and a mountain of coke high enough to ski down. "So uhh.. where's your car?" Jack asked attempting to snap back into reality.