[center][hider=Appearance][img]http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_qpWtg6IvDLk/TFvhOkpUX1I/AAAAAAAAcfI/CvS-6yfr0l4/s1600/CAfe+RAcer+MangaGirl.jpg[/img][/hider] [h3][color=red]Layla Smoke[/color][/h3] Gender: Female Age: 26 Affiliation/ Rank: ( Block 66 GANG) The Hacker Bio: Layla had the perfect life, perfect parents, perfect school and the 'perfect' boyfriend back at her highschool years. They were all so perfect and were always there for Layla every time she needed them. But that all went down south when Layla and her boyfriend broke up because he had to go away for college as soon as they graduated from high-school. Layla in the other hand went to a college near her school because her parents were too stupid not to let her grown as daughter go, she had a choice too but she decided to stay with her parents. Especially because her mother was sick. But anyways, not to put the whole Layla's story into this. Layla was a hacker in college, she was never caught by none of the police officers, a great hacker at that and at times she uses her skills to help out her friends if they needed it. Like changing the school lunch menu or their grades, something that Layla has never done before would be to attempt to steal someone's money. Now that was harsh, right? And then she quit college and decided to join in a gang where Layla would use her skills to help out the gang in what they need, but this time.. it was serious. Personality: Layla is the type of girl to speak whatever comes to her mind, she's straight-forward and doesn't care if the truth hurts to the others. She's real and will keep a secret till death due her. Layla likes to babble a lot whenever she's nervous or probably when she's at her angry state, at times she rather punch someone instead of something. She has a loud mouth, and a very nasty one at that she likes to swear a lot and don't let her pretty face fool you. Layla knows some pretty deadly moves that would snatch a guy with her looks but make him fall on the ground in about three seconds. She's loyal to her friends[the gang] and would do anything to make sure that they are alright, even if she had to kill someone.. which probably won't happen, maybe. Layla is confident in herself and her body, she doesn't really show off much skin but if she has too, in order to impress someone or perhaps seduce someone then she's your girl. Oh, and she's very good with the computers, a talented hacker at that. Other: Layla is terrified of spiders, obviously she may look like a bad ass but if you want to defeat Layla? Just put a tarantula in-front of her and she will automatically faint. Mhm. [/center]