[right][color=ba937b][i]Monika Sakovich[/i][/color][/right] Monika had run into a little problem. She had hoped that one of these would have given her the impression of the perfect idol, someone to look up to, that she could confront and hope for the best with. But… none of these had left a perfect impression on her. That’s how life worked, she supposed. The, um, “strawberry gang” had taken off towards the monster, leaving the blonde red-clad girl. As far as she could gather, it didn’t seem like she or the white/cyan one was in the, um, “strawberry gang”. It was those three. For most Monika could tell, the one who was leaving had been yelling on the apparent leader of the strawberry gang about something which Monika didn’t really understand. Must have been something older girls or experienced magical girls knew more about. Now, then. Those were heading after the monster. It was probably Monika’s best interest to follow them. That was their job, after all. She had no experience fighting these monsters, so she’d follow them and see what it’s like. Of course, it would be best to stay in the sidelines and watch those more experienced than herself deal with the monster. This would additionally allow her to learn the combat capabilities and personality traits of the other combatants. Monika had a considerable advantage with this power which she had been given. It would be a waste not to use this opportunity to see and remember as much as she could for the future. Taking a deep breath, Monika brushed her arm over her somewhat wet cheeks to wipe away her tears before she turned to run after the group heading towards the monster. She did not intend on fighting, but just in case, she was keeping herself hidden and held her cloth close. [color=ba937b]‘…’[/color] At least, that’s what she had intended. But as Monika had turned to run after the girls on the way, she had to pause when suddenly the more mature-looking among the Magical Girls stumbled and fell. Monika stared down at her, slightly wide-eyed, hidden on the side, since she couldn’t run before she did. Monika couldn’t run in front of the other girls, after all, that’d be horrible. The brown-haired girl was rather confused about this one. She was the oldest one, clearly, but she was acting like… Alright, so, finally, she got up and ran… r-ridiculously fast!? Monika suddenly found herself left behind, and quickly started sprinting after, wide-eyed and confused as to why the woman had started running at her fullest! … OK, catching up, and such, but Monika’s not used to such speeds…! Monika jogged after, making sure not to run too fast (or close if she could catch up) as her breath could reveal her location, meaning she’d likely fall a bit behind. While not as much as had she been wearing shoes, Monika noted that her feet still made little noise when she ran with them. Of course, materials meeting and parting did make sound. However, with the sound of the city around, it was unlikely the rest would hear her for that, right now. Unless, they, like, somehow caused Monika to make noise or bumped into her. Hoping this would not happen, the hidden Monika was on her way towards the source of the disturbing energy, her Soul Gem reacting and she felt it. She’d make sure to arrive last of those currently running, at least.