The supernatural ally had no idea what the girl was saying. Batman made the call once more and he told Bluebird to stand down. The guy's wounds healed rather quickly it seemed, and the detective took another mental note. His plan was set in his mind, and with a couple wildcards in the mix it may make things a lot easier. Batman approached the man more directly, but the Bat still looked menacing even in his older age. "I'm taking in a team tonight to rescue survivors. If you want in, you've gotta prove your worth. We've already taken losses with the Wanderer going missing..." Batman began saying when the other new addition, the alien spoke up. "Tell me everything you know, then advise me of where I shall be most useful." the new guy who resembled Superman kind of suggested, still with the sense of royalty and nobility in him. "You're gonna sit this one out and stay back with the Young Justice team." Batman stated turning to Maxus, and now looking back at the intruder and would be ally with a scowl Batman ordered "You'll be coming with us though to see how your abilities work against the enemy. Superman generally has a weakness to anything magic or supernatural, assuming that's where your origins lie. What do they call you..?" he asked Shay. [i]Batman, Wonder Woman, the Flash[/i], Captain Marvel, St. William, and Bluebird prepared to go back into Metropolis. Batman briefed them all on what intel he had about the surrounding area covered in the grey mass of nanomachines. After discovering the new guy's name earlier, Batman asked him to join in on their meeting as well. He put off an odd vibe when in the presence of St. William, but other than that he generally seemed like he wanted to help. Doctor Light chose to stay behind, which surprised nobody. Starfire still seemed to be concerned for the health of her friend and long time teammate Raven. Batman instructed the concentrated team in another tent... "There's roughly two hundred thousand survivors in an area just below where the Daily Planet building stood. The conditions and containment aren't that great, however I've confirmed Nightwing is among them. There's a chance we can still save Superboy as well, but those people..." Batman got quiet, "They won't all make it out of the city." "It's practically evacuating an entire city in a small area but across a lot of road and techno zombies..." the Flash began stating with hope in his words. "The closest drone generator will be three blocks away, however the area is completely compromised by Brainiac's nanomachines. We need to get past their defenses as quickly as possible and lead the survivors upwards, if we start getting swarmed by techno zombies Capt. Marvel and Flash can try to damage the generator enough to buy us some time while taking down any turrets on the rooftops. If any infected heroes or enemies show up we have to take them down hard and fast as well to avoid any more casualties than we'll already be dealing with. Stay focused. We leave in thirty minutes..." Batman instructed walking off. [b]Back at the YJ side of camp...[/b] "So, Superman is kinda the reason I'm doing this hero thing too." Superbeast said approaching the new alien hero and gesturing at the pentagon shaved into his chest fur, "I've only got about a year or so experience in the field, you?" Maxus looked at the furry red shapeshifter, Garfield couldn't read the guy's face. He was obviously aggravated he wasn't go in with Bat's team... ~KL~