[h3]South Bay Hangar[/h3][hr] [i]The mercenaries eyed one another in turn, the C'lok, the humans and the man shrouded in shadow. Erek appraised each one. The lady with the shock of wild red hair was armed to the teeth. A techy looking human fiddled with a data pad at his side. The man in shadow gestured for silence. That's when Erek saw the Port Authority Soldiers march onto the hangar walkway. They stood side by side on the narrow walkway. They carried heavy guns that resembled comically-sized shotguns. Beneath their dark robes Erek could see Dispersal Armor that would thwart any minor weapons fire. The Blast helmets over their heads obscured their species.[/i] [h3][center]Captain Erek[/center][/h3] [indent][color=mediumpurple]"Well...now this is a party,"[/color] said Captain Erek, nodding to each of the mercenaries standing with him. He noticed Дуака stepping into some shadows behind a steam pipe. He pulled the shortsword from the sheathe on his belt.[color=mediumpurple]"To what do we owe the pleasure of this visit scumbags?"[/color] The vibro-blade whirred with the energy of twenty suns, powered by sun-slugs from Psokos IV. He whirled the weapon around skillfully in one hand as he drew a small pistol with his other. The Port Authority Guards carried heavy bolters, a sort of shot-gun that spewed electric death, they hesitated when they saw the crowd of mercenaries they faced. One of them spoke through a muffled, static filled speaker that Erek thought might be a translator device built into his helmet. "This is an unlawful assembly in the governance of South Bay. By order of the Governor Gerard Domina, lay down your weapons," said one of them. The other one was already calling for backup. The shotguns they wielded began humming, the tiny dynamos within gathering energy that would, in a moment scatter death across the walkway....Erek braced himself for combat...[/indent]