[quote=@poog the pig] [img]http://i.imgur.com/scuXD2j.gif[/img] Ey guys, so I know everyone is super hype to make Demi-Gods n such, and it's really not within my boundaries to ask this: but could everyone wait until Lifprasil is born? I was expecting his CS authorization and all the posts that need to add up before he's created to be faster; so being the first Demi is kind of imbued into his character. Everything is just being slow about him right now. If not that's fine tho and I totally understand <3 [/quote] I know all these text-heavy posts feel like they're leaving you behind and adding to the stress, but the post I just kicked in has been in the works since before this message was up, and I feel like I've spent so much time on the ugly bastard that I can't bear to keep it to myself any more. Hope you don't mind? It doesn't interact very closely with Lifprasil's parents. If I have to lay my eyes upon this awful word dump, so does everyone else, damnit, if only for long enough to skim the thing and find any relevant details. ed: the longer I play Jvan the more I realise that my writing style has no fucking chill wow