"Darned beasts." Raven cussed as he walked past the destroyed bushes and foot printed road. Several paws and claw marks led him to the riverbed, where he heard a shriek, more likely a woman's. He hoped that she will be okay by the time he arrived, because he doesn't want to do some burial for strangers, or parts of their body today. Yesterday was enough burden for him, as he needs to bury a small, young girl's head as her body was eaten by wild animals. His sister could not hold back her tears and she cried until midnight. He's a hunter, who self-taught himself to protect his sister, and people who was lost inside the forest. He does hunt some animals, like deers or rabbits, as they will overpopulate the forest, and because he and his sister needs to eat something to stay alive. In this forest fruits and vegetables are very rare. But, it's a good resource for medicinal herbs, so Raven won't complain. He picked up a torn cloth, probably from a dress or a shirt, judging from the material. His dark, onyx colored eyes looked around to see if he could find the body, hopefully still alive, nearby. It doesn't took him that long until he saw a young woman, lay on the grass unconsciously.