Jiang Chao - The Owner of the Laundromat that Might works at. Father of Yong and Husband to Min. Getting along in years, but still a hard worker. He's a Chinese immigrant who started from nothing and now runs his own business. It's decently successful, though only recently has it started actually gaining any substantial profit since Might joined on. Calls Might Golden-Boy. Min Chao - The wife of Jiang, she's a sweet woman who Jiang worked hard to bring to America. She remained faithful to him, though she had a very hard time living while he was away. China wasn't particularly easy to get by in without a husband to support her and their child. Calls Might Strongman. Yong Chao - The young son of Jiang and Min. Rather estranged to his father, since he was away for sixteen years of his life. He isn't lazy, but he isn't a particularly hard worker. It's to spite his father for being away so long, Yong was forced to find a job at the age of twelve to help his mother. Since he came to America he has become engrossed in American culture. Honestly hates Might, is the only person who calls him Arthur.