[center][h2][color=khaki]Slipstream,Dex[/color][/h2][/center] Beneath him steel catwalk clanked and jostled under his boots, and pipes above his head hissed and whooshed with mystery fluids and gases. As Dex walked, he dragged his hand on the rail, admiring the dank, terrible looking ship below, it may have looked like a piece of garbage but they flew better then the birds he use to pilot. Dex originally had plans to not pick up any new contracts while he was at the station but upon arriving and making his way to a data terminal, he found that his employers withdrew their contracts, stating that they didn't need his services anymore. Dex could not stand being jobless, it drove him to tears with boredom. Soon however, he located a new job and made haste towards it. Up ahead, Dex noticed what seemed to be a group of people standing off. The station constabulary and what looked to be an odd mix of humans and aliens. Then he heard the Guards speak. 'Oh no, you ain't takin' this from me flat feet.' He thought to himself, swinging his shotgun out from under his shotgun and wracking the lever, loading a plasma she'll into the chamber. "Now what's going on here?"