[@Polybius] [h3][color=ed1c24]Isabelle "Izzy the Shattergun" Ozborne[/color][/h3] Izzy eyed the guards to assess the situation. Apparently, this was an unlawful meeting. She would understand that them meeting would be suspicious, but to bring out this many people and just accuse them of doing stuff? Governor Gerard Domina must be paranoid. If he kept stuff like that up, Izzy might just put that guy on her hit list. Still, this was just one thing...of course that doesn't mean that she won't kill these guys of his. No one tries to stop her from a job. No one. [i][color=ed1c24]Hm...there's enough people here to spread their attention out, and most of them have heavy-bolters, pretty unreliable from this distance, but still pretty deadly when used in large groups...And they have armor, so that makes things difficult...If push comes to shove, I'll switch to it, but for now I think I can make do with the sniper. They're far enough for that...I think.[/color][/i] Izzy prepared herself for the fight. In her line of sight, there was some cover to use. It'd be helpful in the fight to come. She leaned towards Erek to whipser, "[color=ed1c24]Hey, we should probably shoot first.[/color]"