Name: Aimee Adams Age: 25 Gender: Female Appearance/Looks: [hider=Large Photo] [img][/img] [/hider] Species: Faerie Sexual Preference: Sapiosexual Likes: Cerulean, Flowers (the concept of), high heels, makeup, manners reading romance novels (and smut, though she won't admit it out loud), the beach, sunshine, swimming, dancing, singing, and most forms of music. Dislikes: Flowers (the allergies connected to them), any shade of pink, rude & discourteous people, betrayal, cheating, Debbie-downers in general. Bio: Aimee was always a cheerful child growing up. Running here and there, spending every drop of sunshine she could outside with nature. She had normal upbringing with two parents present in her life and when she had inquired about mark on her wrist, her parents would glance at one other wistfully and tell her to simply wait. Aimee had always believed in the concept of "soul-mates" and she counted down the days until the date on her wrist. As she grew older, she'd done research on the strange birthmark. She poured herself into article after article, squirming with excitement as the knowledge of the mark settled with her. Aimee grew as nervous as she was excited a week prior to the day she'd been looking forward to when her wrist began to burn with a blinding pain. Through her blurred, watery gaze - she could make out the dreadful line crossing out her soulmates name and this magical date that was now nothing but a fantasy. She has struggled to remain her cheerful self, trying her very best to fake it in public. Since then, a new name and date has appeared and Aimee finds herself cautiously hopeful, pouring her efforts into her online videos and trying not to focus too much on the upcoming date. Though, just as it is etched onto her skin, it is etched into the back of her mind. Occupation: Vlogger Country of Origin: Good ol' U S of A. Feelings about meeting their soul mate: Aimee has always believed in the concept of "soul-mates" but after her experience, she's skeptical about this new name/date, fearing to get her hopes up and have it taken away from her yet again. Soul mate: TBD