Hmm I simply don't know how to proceed currently aside from sort of taking other player characters along for a bit, since nothing really has happened. That, and I'm simply not sure what kind of freedom we have with stuff happening. My plan was/is for Alicia to be led to the oldest part of the town - the crypts in the cemetery, and some stuff happening there, esp. something Susanna might be interested in. But that would mean a bit of "godmodding", taking control of other characters for a bit. Some RPs have rules against it unless both parties agree, which is a pain, others are more lenient. If I am free to take a few characters, preferably Susanna along as well, I have an plan in mind. Make no mistake, I'm checking this thread out often. I am simply in a phase of "what's next". Sometimes the GM wants to take sole initiative, other times the GM wants the players to create their own plotlines. Some clarification upon what we can and cannot do would be nice. Of course, we cannot derail the plot you have in mind, but within that, how much freedom do we have?