[center][img]http://i166.photobucket.com/albums/u118/EBJ05/RPG%20Banners/flash.png[/img][/center] [quote=@TimeMasterX]Shaking himself out of his reverie Thor focused upon the Scarlet Witch, she had been shaken from their impact and was only now beginning to mutter a spell to herself. Thor threw himself into the air, hammer outstretched in a mighty blow. His swing never reached its target for, in a moment of panic the witch gestured and, from its berth in the parking lot, a behemoth of a vehicle slammed into the Thunder God, knocking him to the floor. With a roar of anger, Thor used his strength to smash through the vehicle that was pressed against him. The witch was still recovering from her efforts with the vehicle. Thor's eyes narrowed, [color=FFA500][b]'Now we end this,'[/b][/color] he promised, [color=FFA500][b]'your foul presence will no longer endanger any citizen of this realm, I smite thee with the full power of Thor!'[/b][/color] With that battle-cry still echoing in his chest Thor channelled his power through Mjolnir and launched himself bodily through the air at his foe with a strike that would cleave her head from her shoulders.[/quote] Turning from the dispatched Quicksilver, I watch a Peterbilt cab, wreathed in pink, soaring through the air. It collides with Thor with a thunderous crash, and even I have to flinch. Of course, I know my teammate well enough to know that he can shake off a hit of that magnitude, no problem. Physically, Thor's damn near indestructible. Emotionally? Well, that's a different story. And if I know Thor... Sure enough, the truck erupts in a shower of shrapnel as Thor comes tearing through. He's got that look in his eyes, the one he gets when his blood is hot and his rational side takes a breather. As kids, we all fear the rumbling of thunder for what it represents: the threat of wild, destructive lightning it brings. Well, the god who commands it is no different. Whatever else he is, Thor Odinson is a warrior. And like all warriors, Thor has his breaking point. With all the weight of his hammer behind him, Thor throws himself at Wanda Maximoff with the intent to kill. I don't intend to let that hit connect. I zip in a straight line towards the Scarlet Witch. So concerned with the approaching Thunderer is she that she never sees me coming. I blindside her, grabbing her by the waist and pulling her forcibly out of Thor's path. The square head of Mjolnir passes harmlessly through the air where she once stood. [color=ff2400][b]"You're welcome,"[/b][/color] I tell Wanda, releasing my grip on her. Despite narrowly avoiding death, she seems none too pleased. She catches me off-guard with a quick energy blast to the chest, and I fall over backwards. As I hit the ground, I roll into a three-point stance, calling out, [color=ff2400][b]"Lady, you'd be dead if it wasn't for me!"[/b][/color] Just then, Captain Marvel approaches, evidently finished with her match-ups. I give her a grateful look and ask, [color=ff2400][b]"Alright, which one of us is getting the Witch and which one calms Thor down?"[/b][/color] In my heart, I already know which [i]I'd[/i] prefer.