Oh, if only Alice were as good at hiding her feelings as Lucas was. She blamed it on her powers. Keeping a mental block up from everyone around her could get exhausting, so by the time she needed to hide her own emotions poor Alessia was exhausted. Besides, it wasn’t unreasonable to assume that with emotions being her main focus that everything she strongly felt was more powerful for her than the average person. What was that saying, a person wears their heart on their sleeve? Well that was Alice, except it was pretty much both sleeves and probably her entire outfit for all to see. “Hm, I have a friend,” she said casually, giving a small shrug, It was a bit chilly in the room, her arms were getting goosebumps. She should have packed a dry hoodie in her bag to wear inside. Alice wanted to lie, say she didn’t know anyone, but then where would they be? With nothing for the project when she had loads of information and opinions that were sure to give them pages to write about. Besides, she could keep up the act. It would be fine. “She has a couple abilities. But she’s very shy, she won’t want to talk to you,” Alice quickly informed him, putting her hands behind her head to pull her wet hair into a messy bun. “Um…do you want me to do this project myself? It would save you the trouble of meeting outside of school. I know you have football practice, and I’d be happy to do it.” Why did she remember that? Probably because she remembered him always hanging around that same group of guys. Athletes always seemed to think they were something else, but he gave off an okay vibe. So far, anyway. At any rate, this was perfect. He would leave her alone outside of school so she could block everyone out in the evenings like she usually did, [i]and[/i] she wouldn’t have to give any details about this “friend”. Alice smiled, proud of herself for such a [i]flawless[/i] plan. What boy wouldn’t be jump at the chance to get out of a school project?