[center][img]https://landofgoddesses.files.wordpress.com/2013/12/800px-flag_of_the_japanese_emperor-svg.png[/img] [hr][hr][h1][b]THE IMPERIAL PRESS[/b] [sub]The National News of the Imperial Republic of Fuso[/sub][/h1][h2]July 9th, 1920[/h2][/center] [hr][hr][center][h3][sub][b]SAIYAKO AUTOMTIVE REOPENS; START OF FUSAN TANKS?[/b][/sub][/h3] [img]http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2013/03/28/article-2300310-18F5B38A000005DC-595_634x451.jpg[/img] New employees already working on the first new cars [/center] After the death of his father, Shimazu Saitama, Shimazu Tadayoshi has announced that he will be carrying on the work of his father in the automotive industry, renaming the joint cooperation between his father and a friend (Toriishi Yakoto) from [i]"Saitama-Yakoto Joint Motor and Engineering Cooperation"[/i] to simply [i]"Saiyoko Automotive Industries"[/i]. There are concerns from the general public that Tadayoshi will be unable to live up to his father's standards but in a statement he released, Tadayoshi said, "There will be nothing to fear about the quality not quantity of Saiyoko vehicles; thanks to contribution and subsidies from the government, Saiyoko Automotive will have both the resources and manpower to devote to both the manufacturing of cars and the designing of Fusan military vehicles." Hours later, a representative released another statement that the production line was already getting warmed up and engineers were hard at work drawing up plans for possible armored units for the military. Speculation and curosity has already filled the hearts and minds of many as the people wonder what will the first domestic Fusan tanks look like. Some experts advise that the company copy a western vehicle while others are saying that this would be the perfect test of the military mind of our nation. Rumor has it that General Tojuki himself who has been gaining considerable power in the past few months is personally helping out the engineers! [center][h3][sub][b]PATH TO PROSPARITY[/b][/sub][/h3][/center] Recently things have been looking up in our great nation; cities are being rebuild, lives restored, men returning to work. The Emperor has announced even more laws and policies to rebuild our nation. Factories are working as best as they can to manufactor the luxuries that not only we want, but the rest of Faresia and the world could want. With the reestablishment of Saiyako Industries, newer farming tractors and machines are available on the market with the company currently offering them at a discounted price. New factories are also begining construction, although it is unknown currently if this is a Saiyako factory or another company's. "As much as we wish," the Emperor quipped, "Factories do not grow out of the ground. Nor on trees. I assure you that the brightest minds of Fuso have tested that theory and have yet to return to me with results." [center][h3][sub][b]RECONNECTING: OLD FRIENDS AND NEW FACES[/b][/sub][/h3][/center] As we regain our footing after the long and harsh occupation by Vornehm forces, additional diplomats are being sent to places such as the west and other Faresian countries. Respected diplomat Kiname Yushuji has been sent to Tiam as Sekigahara Tosu "the Dragon of Meiji" has already opened up a trade pact with the expansive Qingsdao Domain as well as a cooperation agreement. According to the agreement, Fuso will assist in the creation of two additional factories for the Domain and in return, their ports and docks will be open to Fusan vessels. This comes as welcoming news as news from the west says that there as been another shake up in the local warlord leadership. According to sources, the Senate is currently debating about sending a diplomat into the warlord lands to see if there cannot be some form of transportation access. While many rumors and candidates fly, there are words that some within the Imperial senate wish to see the warlords eradicated or "tamed". In the west however, Consul Kaeroe Enuchi has officially made land fall in Soroya. According to one of his staffers, Enuchi is there to lead a "reconnecting" with Fuso's western model. Hope that new agreements in trade, research and political relations will come of this diplomatic mission; Enuchi says that he is also there after hearing about the Treaty of Sikea. Enuchi, a life long pacifist who was one of the voice against Fuso's entrance into the Terrible War says that the treaty is a "keystone of the bridge of peace we all must undertake if we are to prevent such a war from ever befalling humanity again." [center][img]https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/e/e5/Tadasu_Hayashi_c1902.jpg/220px-Tadasu_Hayashi_c1902.jpg[/img] Kaeroe Enuchi dressed in typical western fashion as he poses for a picture for the Imperial Press.[/center]