[center][img]http://img08.deviantart.net/4b9a/i/2012/084/c/0/_demon__s_soul__by_tincek_marincek-d4ts0tp.jpg[/img][/center] [center][h3][color=steelblue]"Why ruin the feeling of curiosity, when the answer might leave you dissapointed?... Might it not be better to be driven by not knowing than to be hindered by facts?"[/color][/h3][/center] [b]Name: Draél Fahlmer[/b] [b]Nicknames/Titles: The Defiler, The Gambler of fate, Master Draél[/b] [b]Age: 17[/b] [b]Gender: Male[/b] [b]Race:[/b] Half Demon, Half Elf. [b]Sexuality:[/b] Pansexual [b]Magic:[/b] -Bratus Magic: Defile,Siphon,Drain,Devour: Magic [b][i]Defile[/i][/b] The act of defiling a spell someone else is about to cast. A progress that begin by not only disrupting key components but also fragments of the 'mana' that someone attempt to use. It can be to remove or add spikes of mana to disorient and disturb the cast enough to cause it to fail, however it can also be used to change the components of the mana gathered for a cast in progress such as adding cold to a heat spell or tamper with the cast enough to cause it to fail. The more difficult a spell is to cast the easier it is to defile, and the more simpler it is the harder it becomes to tamper with it. The Advantages to Defiling magic is that is when it works good the magic can simply be stopped. Yet in a more harmful way it can also cause magic to run out of control, make the one casting the other spell fail fataly and perhaps even turn into a sphere of pure energy and explode. The disadvantage is when it actually fails it might make it much easier for a person even an uncunning one to succed with double the result creating a blazing inferno from a mere fireball. Defile Magic have a base casting value of 4+ and needs direct line of sight. (Critical succes at 6) While the difficulty of the cast can alter these value's. [b][i]Siphon[/i][/b] To mearly siphon a small amount of magic from any living organism is an easy task for one cunning in the arts of doing so. Simply to call upon the small excess anyone can have around them but not see or just stealing an amount that someone probably won't miss. The Siphon ability is not limited to any number of targets can be cast 'mostly' without failure unless someone has a specific resistance towards having their excess mana stolen. Its range is limited to 30m and line of sight. It really won't harm anyone. Its totally disease free aswell. Casting Value: 2+ [b][i]Drain[/i][/b] To Drain Life and Magic is a much harder task than Siphoning off from the excess, it requires direct contact with the victim and the damage than one can inflict is limited only by the amount of contact the user can make with the target. A hand on touch for a second would be like a powerful punch leaving a declining numb feeling in the effected area as the mana was burned or snatched. An embrace could lead to parts of the body going numb and prolonged contact to lasting injury. A Vampiric bite or Kiss of 'Death' on the other hand that is unninterupted could quickly result in the victims death. Requires direct contact and the full focus of the caster meaning no other spells can be cast while draining a victim. Casting Value: 3+ [b][i]Devour[/i][/b] The Art of Bottling up, consume or Destroy magic. With the Magic gathered from siphoning or Draining Draél can choose to 'bottle it up' to save for later, or either consume or destroy the mana gathered. These bottles of raw mana can be used by anyone for a quick injection of raw unrellenting magic and can boost anyone's abilities to cast or produce magic. Yet its limited to how much the user can control even if their ability to control is extended slightly from the consumption. For Draél Consuming magic can heal his wounds and increase his ability to defile other magic meaning he becomes more efficient at disrupting other casters. However he can also choose to destroy it on the spot making it useless to everyone. Bratus Magic: Demonic Cascade Draél have a veil that only effect spells that directly target him, this veil is very mysterious but it allows him to resist most spells directly aimed at him and simply ignore their effects. These spells are handeled as failed spells as they missed their mark and were either resisted or lost in the cascade cloaking him. Each and Every spell cast towards, at or with Draél as its specific target have a must pass a +3 'save' test to have any effect on him at all. At 3 or more the spell have no effect on Draél, and is treated as a failure. This does apply to spells aimed to assist Draél as well. This power extend to Draéls person only, and cannot be used to shield allies in any way. [b]Strengths:[/b] His spells can Disrupt and interupt foes magic very well making him quite good at anti magic battles. [b]Weaknesses:[/b] His spells always have a chance to fail. [b]Catalyst:[/b] (Put here what your character uses to cast magic. If they have any special magical properties aside from allowing you to cast, put those here as well.) [b]Inventory:[/b] A Bag filled with dices that he often let levitate around in his hand. [b]Other Skills:[/b] Very good at games in general, gambling and other things. [b]Familiar:[/b] -Open- [b]Pesonality:[/b] Draél is a person who likes gambling very much, much more so than many other things. He can let entire life choices depend on the roll of a dice and don't mind betting on things at all. HE often tends to speak his mind aloud as he simply walk through life as if he's the main character in his own little life game, soley believing that he makes it much more interesting that way than to 'play' it regulary. He lives mostly for the moment and often do things that he enjoy. [b]Backstory:[/B] Draél's Father is a Demon Lord and his mother a Elven princess, how they came into relationship that ended in Draél being born is a tale for another day. However it have given him quite the unique view on how life can take the oddest turn and result in somthing fashinating. He have studied both Demonic and Elven arts, inherited strange demonic abilities and gained such understanding about magic that he is quite capable of raining on other's parades.