[hider=Virgil 'The Harlequin'] [b]Name:[/b] Virgil [b]Alias/Nickname:[/b] Harlequin [Virgil painted face of harlequin on his helmet [url=https://i.ytimg.com/vi/X_nDqfllvwI/hqdefault.jpg]Makeup[/url] just ignore eyelashes and eyes.:D] [b]Rank:[/b] Exemplar [b]Themesongs:[/b] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fNZooFfxW48]Staring at The Sun[/url] [b]Appearance:[/b] [url=http://www.paperhi.com/thumbnails/detail/20140713/smoking%20dark%20cowboy%20bebop%20spike%20spiegel%20tobacco_www.paperhi.com_43.jpg]Face[/url] [url=https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/95/44/21/954421ca3710c597b5169e95abf2f358.jpg]Casual clothes[/url] Virgil was lucky enough to get most of his appearance from his human mother only thing that ties him to his Elder Sidhe blood is his pale blue eyes that he always hide behind black shades (as shown in picture). His body is muscular and well build in general. Most of his torso and hands are covered in drawings of animals, magic runes, signs or just tribal looking tattoos (they have no power). His tongue and both his ears are pierced. In tongue he has the simple ball style piercing and in his ears he wears small tunnel type earrings. Although he knows what is good hygiene and takes showers regularly he keeps his charcoal black hair unkempt and usually Virgil keeps his haircut the way his pillow made it for him. Age: 29 Race: Bastard race [Elder Sidhe/Human] Personality: Most of his free time he spends smoking, drinking strange boozy potions that he got from God knows what place and reading books or just day dreaming. He is laid back and sarcastic person with 'can do attitude'. Usually he tries to dodge things that can complicate his life but when he has the assignment he will finish it no matter what. Virgil will never leave job half way done and if needed he will go an extra mile to finish what he started. Virgil has a dodgy background in lowest levels of tower but he always had strong sense of justice and moral code that he followed. He would never hurt a child or steal from poor person. Besides that he took any job from stealing something valuable to killing someone in dark alley for him we all are just little pieces of sand flying through time. Usually he speaks slowly and without frustration even when someone pisses him off. Also he has really beautiful deep baritone voice that melted hearts a lot woman and when he is in the mood he can even sing a song or two. [b]Biography/history:[/b] [hider=Buckle up] Virgil wears no family name as he never had the one. His life started in dark alley in lowest part of the city. He was only few days old when mother left him there. Bastard son that only existed because wizard tricked her to have an affair with him. She hated that young creature with pale blue almost white eyes with all her body. There was not a hint of mothers loves when she looked at him. Only merciful or if you can call it loving gesture she made towards him was that she did not took Virgil life with her own hands and decided that Gods should decide his faith. Either God of faith will safe his life or this small spark that just came into this world will perish in that dark cold place without leaving a trace of his existence in this world. Was it a coincidence or Gods had the mercy on him but cries of child that echoed all night in that dark place attracted another living creature. It was old man that came into alley to check what was that strange sound that is so uncommon in that part of the city where only drunks, hookers and other dodgy creatures lurked. Families that were unfortunate to live her knew golden rule you never let your kids to be outside when night comes. Sometimes you could hear desperate cries of parents trying to find their child that disappeared but sadly most of them never could find what was taken by those that live in shadows. So an old man was surprised when he found small creature that looked like human but had very strange eyes among bags of trash. "Oh my boy...this is wrong...no one should waste that" said he picking up a small boy that stopped crying as soon as he could feel a warm touch of an old man. That day Virgil fate was decided he was saved and now he had someone who was looking after him. Now he had a home and a name that Old man gave him: Virgil. Old man was not rich and only his possession was a small shop that also was his home in poor part of the city. He was a artisan of things that most people saw as inferior to nowadays nano technologies and far less interesting that magic artifacts. He was a watchmaker. To this day Virgil remembers that hypnotizing sound of dozen watches ticking in small shop and an old man sitting behind counter with his magnifying glass making or repairing watch that someone brought in. Virgil can still hear his constant rambling that people should slow down. They should enjoy every moment of their life and not to rush through it in constant fear that they still did not left any mark in this world. At end of their road when Yishreenok will come to take them to another side people should be happy that they were living their life at full and have no regrets that they did not accomplish anything. Virgil from his childhood was a troublesome kid. He was constantly in trouble for things he did. In his early teen years he started to run with local small gang of pickpockets and as he was growing up his activities started to get more dangerous and dangerous. Most of his teen years he spent robbing, stealing or fighting for influence against other gangs that tried to establish themselves in slums. Because everyone knew that you could make good money there from prostitution, drug dealing or extortion. There were few places where even wealthy people were coming because you could buy information or hire a man that will not ask any questions. Especially drug and potion pushing was profitable there were few places where rich people kids were coming to spend their money on some pixie dust or try dodgy potion that could make your day more colorful. But Virgil carrier went through the roof when he was noticed by a gang that was led by and low level orc shaman. Who noticed that Virgil has a blood of Elder Sidhe and he did realize what potential he has with "right" guidance. So he introduced Virgil to magic he gave him basic knowledge of magic and how to use it. Fascinated by power he had, Virgil started to search for more knowledge. He was stealing or occasionally spending money on books and guides that could teach him more. But it was hard to get real literature on magic because great sorcerers weren't that stupid that they would write down most powerful spells or step by step guides how to use them. Because of that Virgil still scratched only Surface of his real potential. While running with them Virgil became recognized as a guy you do not want to mess. He joined gang when he was 17 and left it when he was 24. By that time he learned a lot from other people in it. Gang hacker gave him lessons on how to hack low-medium level terminals. Second in command introduced him to bow that in right hands could be as deadly as high tech cannons or handguns. Another taught him to wield sword and how to survive in chaotic street fights. Shaman introduced him to magic world and potion brewing. So he was climbing in gang hierarchy really fast and his name had some weight in streets at that time. But then after seven years of work when gang was at peek of its strength something happened. One night their leader disappeared and suddenly dozen of highly trained fighters and mages burst in to their headquarters slaughtering everyone who were there. By the time sun started to rise house looked like slaughterhouse. All head executives were dead and name of gang disappeared. Virgil was sole survival of that massacre.He managed escaped using his Blink power. Virgil was wounded but alive and he went to only place he knew as a safe place. He didn't see a old man for years but now it was only place where he could go. His last memory was as he collapsed through the door and old man was looking at him. To this day Virgil is not sure was he hallucinating because of blood loose or the view he saw was real. Old man was standing above him smiling "Don't worry you still have time" and some strange warm light surrounded him. In the morning Virgil woke up with his wounds patched up and a beautifully made pocket clock in his hand. There was no sign of old man or clocks that always were filling this place with their sound. After few hours he tried to find old man but he could not find a single trace of him. After few days he went to check what happened to his former gang headquarters and all that he found was still smoldering remains of place that he once called home. Something was strange here and he could feel with all his heart but he realized that there is possibility that guys who attacked them probably are still searching for him so he needs to get low. For a year he was dodging anything that looked suspicious to him but eventually he had to get money because his savings were going dry. So he went the path he knew very well. And that day Harlequin was born. A guy who wears [url=https://i.ytimg.com/vi/X_nDqfllvwI/hqdefault.jpg]a mask with painted sad clown face[/url]. Who could rob, steal or kill as long as it did not clash with his simple code of honor and you could afford his services. [/hider] Reason for recruitment: Virgil decided that he had enough with his life where he constantly has to look over his shoulder. Besides that he posses certain set of skills that Knights of Stars find interesting. [b]Strength of Will:[/b] Greater Will [b]Magic:[/b] [hider=Naming stuff is hard] [u]Blink a.k.a. Teleport[/u] - It is as it sounds. Virgil can blink himself on the roof of building, to room next to him or even behind his target. No one trained him properly to use this ability so he was constantly experimenting and was following his gut feeling. Because of that he cannot cover huge distances and always need to have clear view of the place where he want to land or he needs to draw that place from his memory. Also because his control is not perfect every time he blinks he drains his stamina (that where his combat suit comes to help [explained in next section]). [u]Silence[/u] - for short time in close proximity (room) can silence all sounds. It's duration is dependable to radius at which spell is applied (larger area shorter duration). Another thing Virgil can do is to apply it directly on person that way spell can stay for quite some time or until Virgil dispels it. [u]Magic Lock picking [/u]- this is low level spell that Virgil picked up quite early so by now he can open low-high security locks. [i][b]Enchantment [Elder Sidhe blood][/b][/i] [url=http://wallpaperswa.com/thumbnails/detail/20130112/weapons%20digital%20art%20artwork%20the%20avengers%20hawkeye%20marvel%20bow%20weapon%20thedurrrrian%20deviant%20artist_wallpaperswa.com_92.jpg]Bow[/url] - Virgil is able to enchant his arrows with 3 elements: Fire, Lighting and Wind. [color=ed1c24]Fire[/color] - he can make 3 types of enchantment with fire. [b]Fire arrow[/b] - when it hits target it will cover him in flames. [b]Exploding arrow[/b] - after reaching target it explodes. It can be used to blow up hole in wall or to blow up some poor guy. [b]Melting arrow[/b] - it is similar to flame arrow but after contact it doesn't spread flames around target but concentrates in one place that way it can melt through strong metal structures or armor. [color=00aeef]Lighting [/color]- depending how much charge Virgil put's in it can have few effects. It can kill a target, fry electronics or just stun. [color=a36209]Wind[/color] - after this enchantment arrow can reach very high-speed. That way it drastically increase its piercing power and damage also targets ability to dodge it. [url=http://img01.deviantart.net/8d0e/i/2014/291/8/2/sci_fi_sword_2_by_ah_kai-d839gmc.jpg]Plasma edged short sword[/url] - with sword he uses only Wind enchantment. Increasing the speed at witch you can wielding and adding extra power to its cutting capabilities. [u][b]Elemental control [Elder Sidhe blood][/b][/u] Virgil can also draw elemental powers while in close quarter battle. But he cannot control them properly so he cannot send fireballs or lighting strikes at his opponents. Virgil has to touch his opponent with palm or at least hold it few inches from his target. [color=0072bc]Lighting hand [/color]- by touching his opponent he sends a charge of electricity in their body. It affect is directly tied to time. Longer Virgil holds his opponent more damage he will do. Also sometimes it can be useful to fry electronics locks when you do not have time to hack them. [color=f7976a]Flames[/color] - this is useful when you want to start campfire or spray your enemies face with fire. It cannot do severe damage but can burn out eyes or leave some scars on the face of enemy. [color=a36209]Wind[/color] - with this spell Virgil can break doors, push someone that they would loose their balance or if he hits really precisely break few rib or a nose. [/hider] [b]God relations:[/b] Faros [b]Tech:[/b] [hider=Flashing lights and everything else] Virgil has a simple implant that allows him to control his battle suit, make calls or listen to music. When on mission he also tries to keep his battle suit hidden by wearing some simple [url=https://simplydcu.files.wordpress.com/2013/01/arrow-dark-archer.jpg?w=529&h=295]CLOTHES[/url] over it. [url=https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/8a/db/1e/8adb1e8acac3924b1b8bb7da84b30614.jpg]MARK V "Specter" Light Armor[/url] - this suit has medium level defense against slashing/piercing damage and is able to withstand medium level destruction spells but if it will be direct hit then there is always possibility that it will go through it. MARK V biggest strength is that is design to enchant wearers physical performance (endurance/speed/strength) and that helps Virgil to use his Blink very frequently with minor drawbacks. MARK V is also famous for its build in life support module that can heal low-medium damage to wearers body and in worst case he can put wearer into hibernation until he will be delivered to hospital or healer can patch him up. But if suit will lose all its energy wearer will die. MARK V is less durable than heavy armor. Because of that on left arm there is build in kinetic shield that can cover user in cone for 360 degree protection or can be used as simple shield to block attacks. That way it is more strong and it can hold of stronger attacks. After shields energy is used it has cool down time until user can use it again. Helmet has built in display that can give user different information. Also it is capable to zoom in for better target acquisition. Another two features that also important: night and thermal vision that can help in dark or to find your targets behind walls. Weapons: [u][url=http://wallpaperswa.com/thumbnails/detail/20130112/weapons%20digital%20art%20artwork%20the%20avengers%20hawkeye%20marvel%20bow%20weapon%20thedurrrrian%20deviant%20artist_wallpaperswa.com_92.jpg]Elven Made "Spider" type folding bow[/url][/u]. When out of combat Virgil can fold in and strap to his back. [u]Quiver[/u][at same time its 3D printer(just don't know how to explain it properly)] that is strapped on his hip. It can produce arrows at high-speed and constantly refill quiver. [u][url=http://img01.deviantart.net/8d0e/i/2014/291/8/2/sci_fi_sword_2_by_ah_kai-d839gmc.jpg]Elven Short Sword[/url][/u] Beside being prime example of elvish craftsmanship this high tech blade that has Plasma Edge that increases it's power. Virgil carries it strapped on his back in upside down position that he could draw it fast and it is short enough to be hidden under his jacket. [/hider] [b]Possessions/items/property:[/b] Only real possession he has it is beautifully made [url=https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/59/7c/76/597c768cd92cd4eb91519670127f7d77.jpg]pocket watch[/url] that looks like as work of masterful craftsman. It has all three arrows and they are moving but it has no numbers that would show time. But it is even more interesting when you read an inscription on the inside of its cover "Chains are broken. Be Free." Virgil at this moment live in small apartment that Knights of Stars provided him. It is small flat that has a bed, comfortable sitting chair, writing table and a bookshelf. Half of it is filled with bottles of all kind of beverages that Virgil buys or makes himself. [b]Skills:[/b] [u]Master Marksman [/u]- even before he acquired MARK V battle suit he was master when you needed to hit something with an arrow. Now with help of high tech suit his abilities increased even more. [u]Dirty Fighting[/u] (HandtoHand/Sword) - Virgil prefers long-range combat but when needed he can engage enemies in close combat. Years fighting in streets and dark alleys taught him how to survive even in most dangerous fight. Virgil's highly unorthodox swordplay and a fighting style is based on his experience on street and ostensibly developed by himself - taking bits and pieces from all forms of martial arts and making up the rest on-the-go as he fights his opponents. [u]Hacking[/u] - he had some training in hacking and over the years he learned new tricks so he is capable of hacking low-medium security terminals. [u]Alchemy[/u] - well it's more alcohol making. He knows a lot of ingredients that are used in traditional alchemy and what effects they can have but he prefers to brew potions that can free your mind, give you vivid dreams or just relax. Just healing potions are too boring for him. [u]Streetwise[/u] - he knows how the deals are made in streets and where you can get stuff that is not available in open market or is even forbidden by law. Also when faced with dodgy people Virgil knows street slang and how you need to approach them. [/hider]