[center][h1][color=ec008c]Sirina Wilkins[/color] [/h1][/center] Sirina's father was on a business trip and she'd spent the morning on skype, talking to him over the phone. Of course, her mother had then had to drive her to the airport. She'd been mindless with worry, blurting things about being careful and taking care of herself, and finding shelter each night. Sirina had just smiled at her mother and calmly told her everything would be alright. Her mother had almost made Sirina late for her flight by refusing to stop gushing and hugging her 'little girl.' She could be a bit stifling sometimes, but Sirina had put up with it because she knew her mother was nervous about her leaving on a pokemon journey. She wasn't exactly the most mobile person in the world.. so it made sense her mother would be worried. In the end, she'd just managed convinced her mother she would be fine and promised to call her every night before she went to bed, and went on her way. She'd only been allowed to have Nana out at the airport, the Arcanine was wearing a vest stating she was a service pokemon, and was keeping an eye on Sirina's supplies for the trip, which were hanging off the back of her wheelchair in a backpack. She hated having to keep Spud and Tamaki in their balls, but rules were rules. After an exceptionally long trek through security (they'd had to lift her out of her wheelchair in order to make sure she wasn't carrying any metal on herself), Sirina had finally made it into the plane. She'd allowed the young female flight attendant to wheel her to her seat before lifting with her arms and scooting herself into the seat in the front row of coach. Nana padded after her, watching as Sirina folded up her wheelchair and then stowed under the seat beside her. Nana leaped up to the seat beside her, perching on the chair as she watched her trainer closely. The flight from the small airport in Northfrost City to the bustling international airport of New Amber Town was only about fourty five minutes. Sirina occupied herself by continuing to crochet a few rows of what she intended to be a scarf. As soon as they had landed, Sirina was helped off the plane first, Nana following behind her trainer and shooting other passengers accusing looks, delivering a couple of growls as she padded after her trainer. It was sort of a tradition to have all new trainers who were starting on their journey to come to New Amber Town. Even though Sirina was not necessarily a new trainer, she was new at challenging gyms. To her, it was the stupidest rule ever.. that to start a pokemon daycare of her own, she had to become certified by getting into the pokemon league tournament. She wasn't a naturally violent person.. she wasn't sure if she could do this... but.. she had no choice. She needed to stop mooching off her parents eventually, and if that meant she had to fight her way through the region, then so be it. As soon as she exited the Airport, Sirina sent out Tamaki and Spud in a stream of light. Spud just stared at her with what she liked to call his 'resting derp face.' She pat him on the head and he made a very happy cry. After a long time of trying to chase his own tail, Tamaki grew bored and tired. He slithered up the tires of her wheelchair and perched in her lap, curling up and falling alseep as her body warmed the tiny creature. Sirina stroked Tamaki's head, a tender expression on her face. Then she twisted her body, reaching around to the backpack hanging off the back of her wheelchair. She pulled out her phone, swiping until she had a map of the region before her. It wasn't a very detailed map... with towns and regions labeled but nothing else. She clicked on Amber Town, and the map zoomed. A detailed description of where she was, where to find food, how to find a hotel, and where to go scrolled down before her. She smiled as she found where she needed to go. She pulled on a set of protective gloves and started to wheel her chair. Moving up a large hill, she started to slow down slightly as her arms twitched. The extra weight on her wheelchair was straining her muscles. After about thirty minutes of sweating and pushing herself upwards, Sirina had reached the pokemon center. She applied the breaks on her chair so she wouldn't fall back down the hill, temporarily stopping to catch her breath. The air was nice and clear here, and much warmer than the air in her home town. Though she preferred the cool crisp air of her hometown, and the steam of the hotsprings more than made up for the colder winter nights. As soon as she'd reached the top of the hill, she had a good look of most of the town, and had located the exit out to the first route. Or so she assumed. She wheeled herself down the hill slowly, inching so she wouldn't lose control and crash. It was honestly a bit harder going down the hill than up, and she had to stop and remove her hoodie as the hot sun beat down on her skin. She put the hoodie on top of the still sleeping Dratini and wheeled herself the rest of the way down the hill. She paused as she saw some trainers headed to the same route she was.. clearly starting off on their journey and on their way to Vertigo city. Or so she hoped. Gazing at the men, she judged one who appeared to be close to her age.. and the other.. slightly older. [color=ec008c]"hello."[/color] She called, moving her wheels quickly to catch up with them. Her eyes lingered on the Lucario for a moment before she moved slightly closer. [color=ec008c]"Are you all.. headed for Vertigo city maybe?"[/color] her voice was sweet, and almost seemed to permeate with kindness. In the meantime, Nana eyed the trainers with a suspicious glare, standing tall and strong as she plotted to get her trainer out if things got tough, and Spud had immediately sauntered over to the Lucario and was in the pokemon's personal space, surveying his megastone with a tilted head as if asking what it was. Tamaki stirred, raising its self out of the pile of hoodie, yawning and stretching its body. It gave a cheery hello to the two men before curling up in her lap on top of the hoodie, getting comfortable and laying out in the sun, its eyes drooping as it slowly drifted off to sleep again.