[quote=@LeeRoy] [@Dedonus] Obviously they would be discussed, I'm not a heartless monster. Just your average ordinary monster. Though I am one for the field of: "If you fuck up bad enough to actually get yourself killed you deserve it." And it too reduces the actual want or need to be a supervillain if they cannot pose any 'real' threat to the hero. If the sum total of your villainy is barking at the heels of the superheroes and getting your teeth kicked in, of course people are going to be averse to being a villain. [/quote] At the same time, a villain should have a deeper motivation than just killing people. Also, that's what L + R + Start + Select is for. ;) [quote=@Raptorman] I will point out that the good doctor does have a sheet. [/quote] That is very true.