[center][h1][color=ed1c24]Kriisa Acillus[/color][/h1]9th of Sun's Dawn, 4E 204 - Castle Dour, Solitude[/center] "Sir, the Dovhahsken's mages have taken over our last remaining fort in the Pale," reported a young man clad in Imperial armour. Sweat dripped off his face and the colour seemed to have left his skin. It was surprising how he was still standing. "Our forces have been annihilated." The harsh sound of General Tulius' fist slamming against the table filled the war chamber and was followed by deafening silence. The map laid before them, previously filled with red and blue flags detailing scouted locations of Imperial and Stormcloak camps was now filled with purple flags dotting nearly every inch of the strewn paper. Only five flags had remained - three reds and two blues - but now Tulius was forced to remove one of his. "Blasted dragons! When we signed that truce with Stormcloak I thought we'd be rid of this problem entirely, not have it kill my men and steal the lives of the innocent!" "Sir, if I may, we could take this chance to launch an attack against the rebels instead. They've also suffered greatly because of the Dovhahsken's conquest and if we strike now, we could be one enemy short," added the soldier, which earned him a glare from the other person present in the room. Legate Rikke was quick to intervene before Tulius could even contemplate agreeing to the boy's plan. "We need to collaborate with Ulfric to stop this dragon menace. If we continue to fight amongst ourselves, we'll be handing Skyrim to this dragon wrangler in a silver platter." "One failed negotiation with that brute is enough and I will not risk the lives of my people once again simply because of a power-hungry madman. You there, Auxillary. Send word to the remaining troops. We march against Ulfric at dawn." Before Legate Rikke could voice her concerns, the sound of a throat clearing halted all three in their tracks. Within a second, three swords were drawn just as the intruder's invisibility potion lost its effect. There, sitting on a chair behind Tulius was a young blonde woman clad in a dark green tunic and brown leather pants. She had her hands raised in front of her in a show of innocence and a small smile playing around the corners of her lips. "You. I know you," the young soldier began, recognizing the pair of goggles that hung around her neck almost immediately. "Dark Brotherhood scum." Kriisa rolled her eyes, groaning aloud. [color=ed1c24]"Yes, yes. I am part of the Dark Brotherhood. There is no denying that."[/color] She almost grimaced at the memory of when her identity as a Dark Sister had been revealed by Thalmor agents, but she had kept her mouth shut for her family. Thankfully, the Dragonborn had chosen that time to storm the Embassy, albeit not knowing that an ally had been captured within. That had lead to a spread of news that had caused more trouble than it should. [color=ed1c24]"But I'm not here to kill any of you. If I were, you'd all be lying in pools of your own blood."[/color] She couldn't help the almost maniacal grin that slipped through and struggled to compose herself once more. She stood, still careful about the swords now pointed at her. [color=ed1c24]"I'm here to help you with Starkad."[/color] Even saying the name left a foul taste in her mouth. Starkad. Traitor. A fallen hero. He was pathetic. She refused to humour him by calling him Dovhahsken. He did not deserve a title in the dragon's tongue. Not him. [color=ed1c24]"I want that son of a Hagraven's head crushed under my boots, and I believe it is in our mutual interest if we worked together."[/color] She let her gaze wander between Tulius and Rikke, ignoring the soldier completely. [color=ed1c24]"Before you say anything, hear me out. I've sent a missive to allies of the Dragonborn, and any and all who wish to take up arms against Starkad. I do not need your army, but I do need the safety of your walls."[/color] Three months after Starkad's initial attack in Whiterun and he had most of the province under his control. Only three major areas were still left standing as refuge for those who suffered under his tyrrany - Solitude, Windhelm, and High Hrothgar. The path to High Hrothgar was well-protected by the Greybears but Kriisa had heard rumours that Starkad planned on conquering it next, and she did not want possible allies to make the seven thousand steps climb. They were lacking in time as it was. She had also briefly considered Windhelm, but she doubted Ulfric would even listen to her after her arrow pierced one of Ulfric's leaders' head at a banquet of his. That left Solitude, the refuge of the Imperial Legion and citizens in the western part of Skyrim. [color=ed1c24]"You don't have to agree because you have no choice. Unless you Starkad to obliterate you and Solitude, you will help me kill Starkad and reclaim Skyrim."[/color] She kept her gaze levelled with Tulius. She needed to stand her ground against him. That was the only way to deal with people like him, she'd observed. Her eyes flicked towards Rikke and, seeing a hint of hesitation in her eyes, she added with a small, genuine smile, [color=ed1c24]"Please. Think of it as a gift for my twenty-fifth name day."[/color] She didn't have to wait for Tulius' response. As she'd said, he didn't have a choice in the matter. The door to Castle Dour opened, signalling the arrival of the first of those who received or saw Kriisa's message.