[u]Rathel[/u] [url=http://www.gnomonschool.com/student_work/BoT/fall2010/nuttavut_baiphowongse_large.jpg]Rathel[/url] was late. His form rushed through the empty halls, not a student or creature in sight, and headed straight for the Dining Hall. It was his current destination after his patrolling of the College grounds. Mainly its Alchemy gardens as despite what Lucilia had often warned, there always seemed to be deaf student determined to seek some place to be alone. The demon would’ve rolled his eyes if that was possible at the nativity of youth. His fingers felt the tiny vibrations of someone’s approach. Immediately his large, bulky form slowed and shortly stopped to determine where the vibrations came from. His mind ticked, calculated in its usual way to realize the source was ahead. The world was pure black and white in his eyes that now saw a female, her scent feminine and soft, seemed to exit the Dining Hall. The demon was rather taken back at the sight. Mainly because he thought the Feast had ended, his lateness far longer than he originally thought which meant he wouldn’t be needed. However, Khan would’ve notified him afterwards and Rathel hadn’t retrieved one yet. Without considering he was about to be farther delayed, Rathel turned heel and followed the student. His fingers clicked loudly upon the smooth flooring as he drew closer, aware now about the added heat upon the youth’s cheeks and her body language. Something had happened that much he was sure but what, still remained a mystery. Once he caught up to the young Student, he noticed her more human traits. It seemed she, like a few of the others, was a hybrid. His judgment leaned to Esyire and human due to her wings and tail which stuck out rather well. The sounds of his steps were loud enough he knew she would hear him approach her and added his voice to hers. “Excuse… you realize you’ll miss the magic demonstrations being out here, don’t you?” Rathel said in a polite voice for his kin.