Screen Name : Watcher Character Name : Doesn't remember. Everyone just calls her Watcher because that is what she does. Sits back and watches. Gender: Female Age : 18 Appearance : Long curly black hair with bangs over brown eyes and an oval face. She is thin to the verge of malnourishment with pasty white skin from lack of sunlight. She is much shorter than others her age. In fact, she doesn't look much different from the twelve year old girl brought to the facility six years ago. To those that didn't know she was a vet, they would assume she was a sickly child. Personality : Quite and reserved, though, highly intelligent. She tends to sit on the outskirts of crowds rather than being involved, though she wishes others would invite her to sit with them. She has a serious nature and doesn't appreciate jokes to hardly any effect. History (optional) : Watcher has been here for as long as she can remember, but as far as she knows, her life began at the age of twelve when she first stepped into the facility. She is a vet amongst the children, few older than she and none left from her entry group. Upon her entry, she was looked after poorly and was continually malnourished thanks to some obscure reaction to whatever drug they had pumped into her. As a result, her growth was stunted, and she maintains the appearance of a sickly twelve year old girl. Rank : Teen Ability : High observance. With this ability she notices nearly everything around her to the smallest detail. Weakness : Very sickly. She has a crippling reaction to nearly every drug they test on her, yet, somehow she manages to pull through. Number : 47564 Other : N/A Password : Mind Games