======================================================= ...........................August Marco ======================================================= [I] 'Aw, shit.' [/i] So that's why he was nervous. He knew something was up! He closed the door behind him awkwardly and placed his suitcase on the floor by his feet. His new roommate, Jacob Rockwell, looked just as distressed as August felt. When he looked at him, all he could think about was how pissed Jacob had been after the sprinkler incident the end of last year. They hadn't talked much before then, but after that, they seemed to have a mutual dislike for each other and August did his best to stay away from him. He respected the guy enough, but they just didn't mix well. August glanced at Jacob's laptop, which was playing some gloomy song before he paused it and sighed. He didn't look to hot – his eyes were glassy and red, like he had been... he wasn't.... crying, was he? They looked at each other stupidly for a second before Jacob gestured to the TV and game systems, offering to let August use them. “O-oh, awesome, thanks. I've... actually never had a system, 'cause – ah, anyway.” He was about to say 'Because my parents thought I would break it', but he figured that wouldn't be a wise thing to mention. He made a mental note to be extra careful around Jacob's gadgets. Jacob extended his hand, and August shook it tentatively while forcing a friendly smile. “Um, yeah. I'm August.” When Jacob started to wipe at his eyes, he explained the song had reminded him of a friend who wasn't around anymore. Curiosity tugged at August's thoughts, but he didn't ask what happened. Just by looking at his reaction, August figured it wouldn't be something his room mate wanted to linger on. August politely adverted his eyes. “I'm sorry to hear that.” He said. He meant it. He had never lost anyone before. Well, with the exception of his grandmother, but August was only three years old at the time. He was sure it hurt, even if he didn't have any way to relate to how Jacob felt. “Have you been here long?” He asked, changing the subject. It looked like Jacob had already unpacked and settled in. [i]'We probably would've gotten here at the same time if mom hadn't been such a pain in the butt.' [/i] He thought. It was probably for the better that they didn't arrive at the same time. Settling into a new place always left him a little frazzled and short tempered. His entire life, he hadn't lived in any one place longer then eight months, so he had no tolerance for it anymore. And this time, he was moving in with a guy he didn't always particularly get along with. [i]'It'll be fine.'[/i] He told himself, [i]'Maybe it won't be so bad. I never really got to know him, so....[/i] After talking with Jacob briefly about how his summer was, yatta yatta, August said he should go unpack. With another smile awkward smile, he picked up his suitcase and located the empty bedroom. It was pretty nice. It wasn't to big, so it had that homey feeling to it, unlike his room at his parent's house. The bed was freshly dressed with clean, pale blue sheets, and the smell of clean laundry lingered in the air. The thick carpet muffled his footstep as he walked across the room and deposited himself face first into his new bed. [i]'So fluffy![/i] He inhaled deeply through his nose and smiled genuinely this time. He kicked off his shoes and rolled over onto his back so he could stare at the ceiling. A small fan was mounted above the bed, and it spun in a almost hypnotizing way. After he lay there for a short while to settle his nerves, he sat up and began to unpack his things.