I need some constructive criticism please. This paragraph just wont fix. If anyone can give pointers that'd be great. (I don't think context is really needed because it's self explanatory. If not, ask and you shall receive.) [hider]Then he woke up in the future. A future that threatened to take Steve Rogers away from him. It grabbed at him with needy hands and a voracious appetite. Steve had struggled a lot those first couple of months. It had been Lex who had saved him. Lex who came up with the idea of the Justice League. And how to save Steven Rogers. Lex had introduced the idea to Steve slowly. To let him warm up to it. It was a simple idea. In a future of fear where people hid behind computers or masks, he would stand out in the open as both Steve Rogers [i]and[/i] Captain America. He had no more need of a secret identity. All his friends and family were dead. [/hider]