[quote=@Cyclone] [@Legion02] Was picture-huntign and stumbled across something that you might really like for Reathos. It doesn't match your description quite perfectly, but this is one of the best paintings I've ever seen. [hider][img]http://pre05.deviantart.net/31e1/th/pre/i/2014/144/e/6/the_grim_reaper_by_tomedwardsconcepts-d7jihdw.jpg[/img][/hider] [/quote] I'm using that as the True Form of my second Avatar. I can promise you that. Seriously that thing looks REALLY DAMN AWESOME! [quote=@poog the pig] [hider=WIP] [img]http://i.imgur.com/DYJqHxc.png[/img] [/hider] [@Legion02], I was drawing, coincidentally, an Apex Predator character for an RP I'm GMing, and it kind of reminded me of your own Apex Predator species that you had planned. So I'm just throwing this out there in case you wanted a picture for them. Being busy with school has almost distracted me from being hype for Lifprasil :zzz [/quote] It's okay, I didn't want to sleep anyway tonight. I'll accept those nightmares. But for real, it looks really damn cool.