[quote=@Eddie Brock] Favorite character? That's a toughie. :hmm To quote from one of my [url=http://comicsalliance.com/ask-chris-96-why-spider-man-is-the-best-character-ever-yes/]favorite articles[/url]: [Hider]I’m a firm believer in the idea that super-heroes teach you things, and it’s usually a pretty simple lesson. Superman teaches you to be nice and to be a good person, because that’s the way you make things better for everyone. Batman teaches you that if you’re determined enough, and if you try your hardest, one man can change the world. Those are great guidelines, not just for storytelling, but for life. But Spider-Man’s lesson is a little less sugar-coated, and a little more human. Spider-Man teaches you that you’re going to screw up. It’s going to happen, and it’s going to be bad. You’re going to make bad decisions and it’s going to feel like they’re going to crush you. It’s going to hurt. But Spider-Man also teaches you that the only way to get through it is that you never, ever quit. It’s not easy, but even if it seems impossible, you can beat anything that stands in your way. You can become the person you want to be.[/hider] As for the rest, Superman leads the pack for DC, favorite villain is probably Two-Face, and my Marvel baddie of choice would be Ultron. [/quote] I like Hulk for the whole "misunderstood" goliath story that's going on, not to mention Bruces story of learning to live with and control your demons. [hr] Look ma', we're being on topic!