[center][h1]IMPERIAL PRESS SERVICE WEEKLY[/h1][/center] [center][h2]JULY 19, 1920[/h2][/center] [center][h3]Special Envoys Sent North and East[/h3][/center] As a part of the Grand Survaek Empire's great diplomatic restoration, the day before yesterday his Imperial Majesty Yvor III Khaitis ordered special envoys to the Republic of Kalpia, the Glorious Nation of Nioda, and the Empire of Vornehm. These dignitaries are not members of the Imperial Diplomatic Corps, but rather direct agents of the Emperor's Court. Their task? In addition to sending his regards and wishes for national fraternity among our peoples, they will seek to arrange state visits by the Sword of Aed himself! The Emperor has also suggested to IPS agents that he may make these visits, if accepted and properly arranged, the beginning of a World Tour! The Emperor's Court has expressed high hopes for the dignitaries. "[i]The nations in question have common interests with the Grand Empire, and the only one that was ever our enemy experienced firsthand the treachery of the anti-Survaekom alliance,[/i]" explained Grand Vizier Taral Sardiu. "[i]In cooperation, our four nations can ensure each other's mutual prosperity and security, more so than most other states. But even if progress towards treaties and pacts moves slowly, the impact of the Emperor's presence abroad cannot be understated. By his example and leadership, leaving his Palace and his country, the world will know Survaek's honor and good faith.[/i]" Should the missions be successful, his Imperial Majesty's round of visits would begin April of next year. Until then, the Emperor will be attending to such important tasks as overseeing military restructuring and arranging the Historic Council to be held this November. [center][img]https://40.media.tumblr.com/5a2ab2b91108055c5e39def83cc989b8/tumblr_mxf1kpU4eS1skngsio1_500.jpg[/img][/center] [center][i]Court envoys shortly before leaving for Kalpia.[/i][/center] [center][h3]Surv-Vyaez Arms Bureau Back in Action[/h3][/center] As internal military reviews and restructuring continue in the wake of the Parma Resignations, another great Bureau has been restored to functionality. The Surv-Vyaez Arms Bureau, responsible for overseeing the Imperial Navy's designs and production, will resume operations at pre-war levels next Tuesday. Like its Surv-Akur counterpart, it will now exist under the joint supervision of the military and the Imperial Bureaucracy. The great Surv-Vyaez Industrial Dockyards of Byrnis and Rjjin once employed over one-hundred thousand at the peak of war production; at peace-time production levels, they are expected to immediately generate from forty to sixty thousand new jobs. Furthermore, indirectly, the Bureau's reactivation will invigorate many other industries: Mining, steel mills, foundries, chemical factories, and national laboratories are all projected to grow from 4 to 8 percent over the next two months. In addition, of course, thousands of new positions for sailors and technicians in the Surv-Vyaez itself will open up as vessels finish production! A good day for the economic health of the Empire! [center][img]https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/b/be/HMS_Erin_in_floating_dry_dock_WWI_IWM_SP_2106.jpg/640px-HMS_Erin_in_floating_dry_dock_WWI_IWM_SP_2106.jpg[/img][/center] [center][i]A Wave-Class Cruiser enters a soon to be re-activated dockyard for long-needed repairs and maintenance.[/i][/center]