[center][h3]Tango Down[/h3][/center] [center][I]Bunny, Izual, Lethal [@lovely complex], and Gibraltar [@BeastOfDestiny][/I][/center] [center]Morning of the First Day[/center] [color=yellowgreen][i]'Did he really just leave without taking me out for breakfast?'[/I][/color] The thought crossed Bunny's mind as Izual left her apartment. He was a really sweet guy and all, but he didn't know a damned thing about being romantic. Grouchily, the green haired woman wrapped the bed's sheet around her body before getting out of bed. She wasn't going to be a constant one night stand for him, no matter how good he was! If Izual was going to be with her, then he was going to treat her right. At least take her out for breakfast! Her feet carried her over to her sniper rifle, propped up against the corner of the room. Cradling her Longbow with loving arms, the young Paladin strode out onto her tiny balcony. From this vantage point, she could see everything along the main road. Finding her lover would be a breeze. Perching the rifle against the balcony's metal railing, she hunched over and peeked through the scope. There wasn't a huge crowd along the streets right now, although Bunny was sure that would change later on, considering the upcoming wedding between Christian and Raven. Thoughts of the wedding reminded her that she still needed to get a dress for the reception. Maybe she'd go with a sea green color? Or perhaps yellow? Bunny would definitely need help since her color choices tended to be limited on a account of her vibrantly green hair. From what she could see through her scope, there weren't many horned denizens walking around. In fact, she happened upon Izual's form rather quickly due to a familiar pair of undergarments wagging in the air. Immediately, Bunny's face went red with embarrassment. [color=yellowgreen][I]'...Did he really walk out like that? How can he be so dense?!'[/I][/color] Her head was filled with questions that she couldn't answer. The Paladin carefully lined up her target reticule with the back of the Hellspawn's head, and without too much consideration, pulled the trigger. A rather loud thump resonated out from the rifle's muzzle and a yellow line of condensed particles accelerated out faster than the speed of sound, impacting Izual with enough force to knock him face down. The poor Knight never even saw it coming. Involuntarily, as if every muscle in his body was being shocked, he began twitching and writhing around on the ground. People started to scream and holler at the sound of Bunny's gunshot, and most of those around immediately fled the vicinity. The woman was used to the spectacle, recounting the many times she'd eliminated a target in broad daylight. She never thought she'd have to do this to a lover though. Satisfied, Bunny quickly dressed herself in her usual military outfit, did her hair, and made her way outside to ensure the horned man was okay. Hopefully, Izual got this message through his skull. Izual was still stunned by the time Bunny got to him, a couple well-to-do locals attempting to stay his seizure. [color=yellowgreen]"He's okay! Move along, please! I'm a Paladin, don't worry. The situation is totally under control!"[/color] a cutesy tone rang from the woman's voice, shooing the onlookers away. Standing over the Knight, she was actually surprised to see that he was still convulsing. [color=yellowgreen]"I thought you'd be fine by now with the endurance you show in bed..."[/color] she muttered in disappointment. Sighing, Bunny supposed she'd have to get him medical attention or else he'd be like this for half the day. So much for a breakfast date! Flipping him over and grabbing his ankles, the woman began to drag the paralyzed Izual towards the Tower of Stars with surprising strength. Luckily, it wasn't too far off. [hr] By the time Bunny had made it inside the Tower, checked both of them in, and dragged Izual into an elevator, she was sweating and out of breath. The Hellspawn didn't look like he weighed all that much, but looks were definitely deceiving. On top of that, she was also lugging around her sniper rifle. The trip down gave her a moment of reprieve and a chance to breathe a little. So maybe her idea to shoot him hadn't been the wisest idea. However, Bunny wasn't going to deny that it hadn't felt great. He'd walked out on her too many times like that! It was about time he learned a lesson! A soft ding alerted the Paladin that she was finally on the floor she needed to be on. Groaning at the prospect of hauling Izual around more, she cracked her knuckles and got to it. Exiting the elevator and pulling the Knight's body out with her back to the hallway, she noticed the lighting was much more dim than she remembered. Then she felt a soft push against her back as she bumped into someone. [color=yellowgreen]"Eep!"[/color] she cried, immediately dropping Izual's feet to the ground and turning to face the unidentified person. That unidentified person turned out to be [I]two[/I] people. There was the menacing, tall, and bulky looking half-orc cyborg along with a similarly terrifying woman with bangs covering her left eye. She'd never seen either one of them before. Behind them, large doors led to gods knew what. In fact, the entire hallway looked like a cellar. [color=yellowgreen]"Oh... this is definitely not the medical bay."[/color] Her grey eyes suddenly went from Izual's flailing body to the two scary people she had walked into. Coming down to the last level with an incapacitated person definitely [I]did not[/I] look like she was up to any good. [color=yellowgreen]"Err... I'm Bunny, a Paladin, and this is Izual, a Knight. I shot him! I mean, I mean... Like, I didn't [I]kill[/I] him. He's just stunned for a little while. I'm trying to get him medical attention!"[/color] she explained poorly, wincing at her own description. Suddenly, she spotted that her panties were still hanging from Izual's horn. Her hand shot and out and plucked them from their resting place before pocketing them. [color=yellowgreen]"Those are mine! Err.."[/color] She quickly covered her mouth to prevent her from saying anything more. [color=yellowgreen][I]'Too much information, too much information!'[/I][/color] Bunny just knew she was about to be arrested or something. There was so much [I]wrong[/I] with this situation.