[center][img]http://www.firstcomicsnews.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/Ant-Man-Logo.png[/img][/center] Ant-Man was only a five minute walk from his daughter's school by the time he realized that he had yet to change out of his costume. This meant that by the time he had managed to shuffle himself into a public toilet, squeeze out of his incredibly tight costume inside of an incredibly tiny cubicle, before heading back towards the school, he was already late. Peggy was going to be pissed. Even more than she had already been with Scott due to him having fought that Porcupine fella' while on the phone to her. Usually pissing off Peggy wasn't always a bad thing. Back in the day, Scott found that Peggy would often look back on his annoying nature and laugh. Now however, she merely threatened to stop him from seeing Cassie. That was a worrying prospect. Scott could barely bring to words how much his little girl meant to him. He would do anything to see her smile and hear her laugh. She was even the reason that he had become the Ant-Man in the first place. So anything that hindered his chances of seeing her was even worse than the villainous Doctor Doom in his books. As he neared the school, Scott spotted Peggy at the top of the school's steps. His heart began to race once he saw her face, her nostrils flaring in anger. "[color=ed1c24]Shit.[/color]" He approached cautiously, giving her a small wave once he had been spotted. A wave that was sadly not reciprocated. "[color=f9ad81]You can't keep doing this Scott.[/color]" Her voice seemed almost sad. "[color=f9ad81]You can't keep letting Cassie down like this. She..[/color]" "[color=ed1c24]Wait, Pegs, I..[/color]" "[color=f9ad81]No Scott. She really wanted you here tonight. She wanted you to hear how well she's been doing.[/color]" Scott sighed and swore under his breath, placing his head into his hands. "[color=ed1c24]I know, I know...[/color]" "[color=f9ad81]Scott, she loves you, Okay?[/color]" Peggy continued, placing her hand on Scott's shoulder reassuringly. "A[color=f9ad81]nd I know you love her too and wouldn't do anything to purposely hurt her but...[/color]" She paused. Scott gulped once more. He didn't like where this was going. "[color=f9ad81]You're a superhero Scott. You live a dangerous life. Cassie doesn't deserve that.[/color]" With that Peggy turned to leave, heading down the stairs towards where her car was parked. Halfway there though, she stopped and turned back towards her ex-husband. "[color=f9ad81]Me and Blake are going out of town next weekend. If you want to try and make it up to her, Cassie would love to visit Metropolis?[/color]" The comment about Blake brought a spec of annoyance to Scott. He honestly couldn't believe that Peggy had even married the guy. He was an arrogant ass, and to make matters worse, he had been the cop who had busted Scott all those years ago. Maybe that was why? Maybe she loved seeing him wriggle in anger whenever he was brought up. Either way, Scott couldn't stay mad at Peggy for this. Especially not now. She was right to be mad; He did lead a dangerous life. Yet here she was, still throwing him a bone. "[color=ed1c24]I'd love to.[/color]" Scott stammered, a smile spreading across his face. "[color=ed1c24]Thank you Pegs.[/color]" "[color=f9ad81]You're still an ass.[/color]" And with that, Peggy continued on to her car. Once the car was heading around the next corner, Scott finally let go, punching the air in excitement and squealing happily. Maybe today hadn't gone so badly after all!