[s][s]Okay lets take a quick look at this post here. Maybe I'm going to come off as little rude but i've been pretty clear so far. So here we go. I've stated several times we will be doing a few posts for the first day. The idea of the first day was to give everyone a chance to post something. Do some intros do a little bit of introduction. All that fun stuff. Day two will be a few more posts in the same vein so we can do the last of the set up before the wedding. Then we will do the wedding and get into the meat of where this season is going. [@Dead Cruiser] Okay. Here is Urthar's response just for reference. [i]Leviathan Nero [color=red]With a blink Urthar didn’t bother to acknowledge that Levi was being foolishly rude[/color]. Most disrespect came from an over inflated ego and the thought that it was safe to insult beings that could wipe you from the face of existence with a twitch of their hand. Urthar calmly propped himself on his cane as Levi continued to work on his science project. Atleast he was persistent and relatively proficient. Then again Christian rarely took on those without skill; fools certainly could be tolerated if they had a useful skill. [color=red]In this paragraph Urthar is responding to the fact that frankly Levi was being a bit foolish since as the Character section outlines. Full Aberrants are very powerful dangerous beings. That being said in Urthar's opinion Levi's skills appear to be sound[/color] [color=red]“I think you will find The Stormlord and his Knights do not fear the Gods.”[/color] Urthar inspected the metal shell as he ignore Levi’s disrespectful tone. It was a pitiful attempt at best. The fool was still using metals from this reality; eyeing the spell book Levi toted with him Urthar cocked an eyebrow. Atleast he was trying to use infinity to power it but it was still a less than incredible attempt. Given a few more decades the man might produce something more interesting as far as the Master of Word was concerned. [color=red] Right here we see that Urthar is responding directly to a comment Levi made about being afraid of the Gods. There is some background exposition that is missing here and it is intentional but if you read Ralrisk's character sheet which is fully detailed in the Characer section it tells a story about how one of the God of Law came down and tried to murder her. Christian and Urthar sent it packing. You would have had to dig a little for the information but it IS presented in the character section. I didn't expect you to read everything which is why I wasn't expecting you to get the reference but it was there and i DID provide the info[/color] “Well, Now that I see the progress I think I understand the Stormlords lack of fear as far as this project is concerned.” Peeling back reality Urthar peered into the inner workings of the machine, it was crude. It would certainly be interesting if he managed to find a Divine spark. Tilting his head Urthar kept peering; it was ingenious for a mortal that was for sure. With a shrug Urthar set a small piece of glass on the work table.[color=red] “The Stormlord request your presence for his wedding, it’s not a request. Turning it down would be unwise as this sort of research would probably draw unwanted attention without the protection of the Avatar of Storms.”[/color] Turning Urthar walked to the door and pulled it open. Without a word he passed through the door and the alien presence that followed the man everywhere receded as he descended deeper into the foundations of the Tower. [/i] [color=red]This right here is Levi's invite to the wedding so that I can gather up all the characters. You'll notice the majority of my other response posts are a bit brief and have the intended purpose of gathering up all the characters. After Urthar delivers this he makes his exit which is a direct response to Levi telling him that he knows where the door is.[/color] I've made the sections where he directly responds to Levi's post red for the purpose of highlighting how this was infact a direct response and there were no assumptions. After your first voicing of concerns I went ahead and added everything that was asked for to the Character section and First OOC post. If there is still more info you need feel free to ask I'm happy to update things that maybe I missed. I'm not flawless. I'm human. We all make mistakes. [/s][/s] Sorry for the confusion and I'm sorry if this is a bit direct but I felt it was warranted as there seems to be a bit of confusion about how things work. For future reference. You may have noticed certain posts have headers like this: [center][h1][u]From the Ground Up[/u][/h1][/center] [center][i]Adéla, Urthar[/i][/center] [center][b]Day 1, Late Evening[/b][/center] Basically the post has a Title which is kept consistant for each response. Which I did for Both of Urthar's responses. It also includes a Day # (we are on day one for the record in case there is any confusion. If a post has a different day it is probably a flash back.) as well as a time of day. It also includes all the characters that appear in the scene. Any questions?