[center][img]http://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/psnplatinum/images/9/93/Captain_America_SS_logo.png/revision/latest?cb=20131129021953[/img][/center] [right]Metropolis[/right] Steve always felt a little weird wandering around Metropolis in uniform. Especially with his cowl pushed back exposing his blonde hair and face. After Steve had awoken from his icy slumber he hadn't been the same man. He had never been particularly fond of being Captain America. Sure, he knew he was helping his nation and his friends by being that man. But he never expected it to be permanent. He expected to help the Allies with the war and he'd retire. And that would be that. Then he had awoken in the future. A future that threatened to take Steve Rogers away from him and completely replace him with Captain America. It had threatened to suffocate him and worse. Steve had struggled a lot those first couple of months. Not only was he now in the future but he had to contend with his new identity crisis. Everyone wanted him to be someone he wasn't. He was just Steve Rogers. A simple man who wanted to serve his country. Not this larger than life hero. It had been Lex who had saved him. The man had gave him the hope he needed to survive. He saved Steve Rogers by creating an environment where they could both exist. With the creation of a Justice League, Lex would include Steve and give him purpose and a chance to once again serve his country; Strange and new as it was. Lex also suggested that Steve come out as Steve Rogers, the man behind the mask. In a future of uncertainty the man had said it would create a sense of safety. The people would know who was protecting them. And so Steve had become Steve Rogers, Captain America, leader of the Justice league. After all, his friends and family were dead; he had no more need of a secret identity. Which lead to both Zatanna and him standing in this restaurant ordering food. Zee had her top hat tucked under her arm and was happily smiling away at the young girl behind the counter. No secrets, no lies, no deceptions. Just them. All the Leaguers were accepted by all the food establishments around Lex's building. Everyone was used to seeing them drop in from time to time. Both in costume and out. At first most had offered them their food for free, but Steve quickly put an end to that. They were more than capable of paying for their meals. Especially when quite a few members of the league, himself included, ate enough to feed an army for a day. "And five orders of french fries." Zatanna finished. She looked at Cap in askance and he nodded his head. "That's everything." Zatanna concluded. The two superheroes moved off to the side so the next people in line could order. Zatanna leaned against the metal railing and proceeded to stare at the workers as they went about their day. Steve leaned down just a little. "[color=7ea7d8]Staring at them will just make them work slower.[/color]" Indeed one of the workers, a young man fumbled with a pan, set it flying to the floor. Red faced he turned, spotted Zee staring and quickly turned away. Zatanna gave a small chuckle even as her stomach growled. "Fair point." She patted her stomach. "Booth?" "[color=7ea7d8]Sure.[/color]" Steve agreed as Zee stood up and turned to move off. Pf course, since the universe loved them both, their JLA communicators went off. Zatanna snapped hers open and looked at it. "Absorbing man." Zatanna frowned. "This is going to suck." Zatanna was saying as her stomach rumbled again. Steve looked at her and she shrugged. Saying without saying that she'd forgo the food. "Here." Both Steve and Zatanna turned as the counter girl held out a bag of food. "I know it's not quite what you ordered but..." Zatanna smiled broadly. "Thank you." The magician gladly took the offered food and shoved a bit in her mouth inelegantly. The two hurried outside. "Mrph!" Zatanna said around a mouthful of food. Steve took a second to raise an eyebrow at her as she swallowed. "Ylf!" She repeated and flew off of the ground. Steve shook his head before following her. She knew where they were going after all. He could have found out by using his own communicator. But he'd leave the technology to those who knew what they were doing all of the time, instead of most of the time. The two arrived on the scene quickly. Thanks for Zatanna's power of flight and Cap's speed and agility. Creel was happily pounding away at the base of a nearby building. "[color=7ea7d8]Carl![/color]" Cap boomed out. The bald man turned and spotted Cap. "It's Absorbing Man!" Creel shouted. "The most dangerous guy in the world!" Cap didn't hesitate to raise his shield as Creel swung his massive ball into Steve. The impact sent him sliding back a yard or two. But there was no damage done. Creel yanked the ball back and went to swing it once more when Steve took the imitative and closed in on Creel. "[color=7ea7d8]Give it up Creel.[/color]" Steve barked out. "[color=7ea7d8]You don't want to do this.[/color]" "How would you know!" Creel shouted back lashing out at Captain America. Cap was sure to keep his shield out of reach of Carl's hands. That would be the last thing they needed today. A quick glance skyward showed Zatanna watching, busy shoving the last of her food in her mouth. She waved as she spotted Steve watching her. So far Carl hadn't noticed her at all. Cap turned his attention back to Creel and dodged a punch to his face. "[color=7ea7d8]Then why are you doing this?[/color]" Steve asked as he swept Creel's legs out from under him. "[color=7ea7d8]Random destruction isn't your style.[/color]" Creel's mouth quirked up into a smile. Steve barely had time to react as the man shimmered and turned into steel. He raised his shield but it was too late. The transformation was complete. The Absorbing Man bunched his muscles and sent his massive ball and chain back into Steve. This time it sent him skidding backwards much, much further.