[@Enki] [i]Faint tendrils of smoke wafted up from the extinguished candles, fading away into the inky blackness. There was no sound save for the brief murmur of a cold breeze. Nergal was indoors, however. There shouldn't have been wind. Not unless a nearby space had just been occupied, forcing the air away. Nergal was no longer alone. Something huge and soggy lay curled in the middle of the tetrahedron, awash with shadow. Its glistening hide twitched and shivered. With an ease of motion that was almost dreamlike, the vast thing slowly uncoiled and propped itself up on a pair of long, craggy arms. Its flesh sucked audibly at the floor as it shifted. Childhood fears, once long forgotten, echoed dimly through its wet, jet-black eyes. Its long ears were like those of a donkey, but wavy, hairless, and wrinkled. They were angled in Nergal's direction. It was studying him. Waiting for the futile requests to begin. Its summoners always wanted favors, as if it were some sort of genie or demon that could be bargained with. The only reason it didn't eat its summoners the moment it appeared was because it relished the smell of their sweat and tears as they realized what they had done.[/i]