[Center][h1][color=29FE13]Glitch[/color][/h1][/center] [color=29FE13][I]”Great. I just ditched the cops!” [/I][/color] Glitch thought as Дуака pointed out the approaching men before vanishing into the shadows. What exactly were they doing wrong? It wasn't a crime to hang out in a hanger. And even if it was a simple “move along would have sufficed, they didn't need to send an guards. Well, maybe they did… The moment the security personnel even got close everyone pulled out various weapons; each looking more deadly than the last. While they all seemed like skilled combatants, Glitch was far from. He wasn’t unarmed of course. He kept a handgun concealed in his jacket in case someone tried to muscle him, but against armored security, it was practically a peashooter. [color=29FE13]“Man, you guys do not mess around do ya?”[/color] He remarked as he drew his gun. As pitiful as it was compared, he wasn't going to be the only one without a weapon. He didn’t however put his finger on the trigger. Instead he used his data pad to see what sort of network this station had set up and whether or not it had much protection. Speaking of protection, he currently had none. So he carefully positioned himself behind Erek and Isabelle as they seemed the most armored of the bunch. Eyes on the screen, he wasn't paying attention when Azir fired his weapon. Glitch nearly hit the ground before realizing they weren't being shot at yet. He didn't want to stick around for that. Booking it he vaulted over a stack of shipping crates and took cover. This was good get ugly.