[center][img]http://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/psnplatinum/images/9/93/Captain_America_SS_logo.png/revision/latest?cb=20131129021953[/img][/center] [right]Metropolis[/right] Steve rolled out of the way as Creel lashed out again with his oversized ball. Carl had apparently decided that letting Cap get in too close was a bad thing. And since Cap was busy keeping Creel occupied and focused on [i]not[/i] terrorizing random people and destroying property; Zatanna was left with crowd control. Too many people were still in the immediate area and thus in danger. Which meant Cap couldn't go full out still. And that was beginning to grate on his nerves a little. People in future had no self preservation. They just hung around with their camera phones recording things and twittering about it. Back in the war everyone knew their place. Even if they weren't a soldier. They all did their part to make everyone safer. But now it was all [i]Me, Me, Me[/i]. "Kcab evom." He heard Zatanna finally snap out. The woman raised her hands and the nearby crowd was forced backwards away from Cap and Carl. Which unfortunately alerted the villain to her presence. Without missing a beat Creel lashed out with his weapon. He easily slashed at Cap with the excess chain, striking him across the shield. The force didn't force him back, but it successfully kept him from coming to Zatanna's aid. Still, Zatanna wasn't on the league for nothing. "Tfel evom." Zatanna cried out, trusting her left hand towards the incoming ball. It tilted just ever so slightly and missed her, crashing into the concrete. "Yvaeh teg." The woman continued pointing at the weapon as Creel jerked it out of the ground. The massive ball thudded back to the earth heavily as Cap advanced on the man. "[color=7ea7d8]It's over Creel. Give up.[/color]" Steve told Carl calmly. "Never!" Creel cried as he gave another tug on the chain. His muscles bunched and the massive ball flew through the air straight into Cap. Steve was really beginning to get annoyed. Especially because the added weight of the ball sent him flying off his feet and down the street. Gone was nice guy Steve. Now it was time to just take the guy down. Hard. Steve was done with this. "[color=7ea7d8]Zatanna.[/color]" Steve grunted out as he stood. "[color=7ea7d8]Scenario Romeo.[/color]" The only confirmation that Zee heard was the fact that she lifted her arms and began to chant. Steve adjusted his shield and moved in on Creel.