"Ugh..." In an alleyway, not far from the resturant, Alain slowly opening his eyes, wincing as the sun shone straight into his eyes. "...what the hell happened? Last time i remember, i was running from a load of people..." He got up, and proceeded to fall off the dumpster that he was lying on, landing face first into a puddle with a loud splash. If he was slightly coarser, he would have yelled a cluster of swear words into the puddle, cursing his bad luck and the fact that he had spent the previous night lying on a dumpster in an alleyway. ...unless those two things were linked. They probably were. Being slightly more sophisticated, he simply grit his teeth as he slowly got up. [i]"Up now?"[/i] He turned, to see Exo perched on a nearby windowsill. As the scyther hopped down, he gave Alain a dirty look. "You wander off, leave me behind, and when i find you, you have just partially drained someone and are running like hell!" "I drained..." Alain started, before thinking back. Now that Exo mentioned it, he could remember something like that. Was it self defence? No, that person...had asked him. Why the hell would anyone want him to do that? Did they have....too much life? [i]"Its pretty late in the day."[/i] said Exo, walking up to him. [i]"Theres some sort of parade going on now. About you avatars. I assume you arent getting on a float, but you may as well at least watch. For all you know, that idiot who wanted to be drained might want you to finish him off. And who knows, we might have fun."[/i] Alain walked past him, giving Exo a hard look. _____________________ "Brothers and sisters in humanity!" an amplified voice rang out from the crowd. "I urge you to think twice about who you're cheering for!" Alain looked up from staring at the floor and hoping people would think he was just a bad cosplayer. "...what?" People were screaming, running, the various things that people who were scared did. Alain stood there dumbly, looking around, avoiding being trampled somehow. It took exo zipping towards him and kicking him in the back to bring him back to the world. [i]"We need to get out! I dont think im strong enough to ta..."[/i] Alain ignored him, instead with his eyes transfixed on the situation. Contrary to most situations, or rather, all situations, he felt...calm. He had felt this feeling before. Too many times. He assessed what was going on, as the...whoever these people were, began their attack. "No." He put his hands on his jacket, and pulled it off, showing the absence of a shirt underneath. Usually, Alain would turn bright red at the prospect of walking around with his jacket off, but he barely showed it this time, a slight pink hue on his face being the only indication. "These people are not open to negotiation." However, there was something still covering him. Something feathery... He stretched, letting his wings uncurl from around his body, opening fully, a sickening crack accompaning the unfurling. Alain groaned in pain. He hadnt unfurled his wings for over two weeks, they were incredibly stiff. Slowly moving them to work out the aches and pains, he looked around for the people who had attacked. He had been near the middle of the parade, and saw the groudon girl from yesterday fighting a man and his pokemon. "You have free rein." he whispered, as he lifted his arm. A mass of dark energy materialised in his palm. [color=ed1c24]"Do what you will." [/color] Exo stared at him, his teeth bared and his eyes open in shock. [i]"Oh shit!"[/i] Exo yelled, taking several steps back before taking to the air. [i]"I didnt mean..."[/i] Alain ignored him, slowly walking foward as he let the energy roll from one hand to another. He stopped within ten metres of the fight. [color=ed1c24]"..."[/color] He lifted his hand. [color=ed1c24]"...DARK PULSE!"[/color]