[b]Above Shōrino'ba[/b] A flash occurred, the normal flow of traffic around the Abh homeworld disrupted as a small group of Iscandarian vessels dropped into orbit around Shōrino'ba. The small group appeared to composed of three frigate-sized vessels. Each carried a wide variety weapons, but they were quickly powered. They began broadcasting a signal indicating that they were here on purely diplomatic intentions, or so it would appear anyways. The vessel’s engines burned for a brief minute, repositioning themselves so as to be in a position to land on the Abh homeworld. The lead vessel broadcasted a message towards the planet. “I am Servius, representing the Eternal Union and it’s Praetorians. We have come as scheduled to meet with the Royal Family and House of Peers. We are ready to begin the proceedings when you are.” The vessels lay silently, waiting for the Abh’s response. [b]The Praetorian Citadel, Alas Prime[/b] Gabriel stared out the windows of the Citadel. They were beautiful and ornate, a symbol to the Praetorian’s everlasting power. A few lone beams of moonlight poured into the hall. Gabriel sighed, as he began walking down the long hall. Gabriel himself, despite the fact that it was night, was still dressed in his royal regalia. He had for a while, had many sleepless nights. More and more lately he began questioning the decision he made so few millennia ago along with the other Praetorians. “[i]Do the ends truly justify the means?[/i]” he thought to himself. It had been that question that now burned through his mind the past few nights. He questioned every decision that he and the other Praetorians had made in the name of the “Great Mission”, and if those decisions were truly right, or if they were bringing more harm. He had, of course, realized that the “Great Mission” was indeed one of the most noble goals, as bringing peace and prosperity to all in the universe far exceeded the good that accomplishing any other goal could. But does working towards the “Great Mission” justify evil acts because in the end good will come to all? It was that had been burned deep into his mind, seemly out of nowhere. It had been as if some higher power had burned into him. He stared off into the night, looking at the starry sky of Alas Prime. ((Shorty and crappy post yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay)) ((Future things will be better, I just needed to get the RP started))