[quote=@Hael] This next collab will be longer! And the next longer! One day one of us is just gonna write a whole novel, then refuse to summarize :lol [/quote] >Retreats to my secret lair and begins collab >Is gone for weeks and only comes out to scavenge for food and water >Reported missing; search called off after several weeks >Finish novel-sized post and begin to proofread (not) >Own funeral passes by, as well as the preemptive funeral for the entire forest of trees that will have to die to print out just what I've written so far >Whilst summarizing post, realize that I forgot this detail, this thing should be added... >Doesn't want to end on cliffhanger >Keeps on writing >You know how the first Game of Thrones book is longer than the entire Lord of the Rings series put together? *Ends up with a single collab post longer than Game of Thrones and all its sequels put together* [img]http://i1.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/facebook/000/007/784/what-year-is-it-robin-williams.jpg[/img]