[center][img]http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/aquaman/images/c/c0/Aquaman_Vol_5_logo.png/revision/latest?cb=20120302205722[/img][/center] Aquaman stood atop the cliff overlooking the sea. Out in the middle of the water was a single cargo ship floating stagnant. They were bringing thousands of tons worth of trade to the Boston Harbor when the S.O.S signal was called in over two hours ago. Arthur was only made aware of the call thirty minutes ago. Mera had asked to come with him but Arthur refused. He wanted to get away for awhile. He enjoyed being a part of the Justice League and Mera was starting to make him feel special but the surface world was beginning to wear on him with its endless politics. It was one of the many things that Atlantis and the surface had in common. Out here in the open sea, neutral territory, he felt free. He looked out towards the sea. The ship was filled to the brim with cargo containers of many different sizes and colors. He raised his head to the sky and pulled his trident out of the rock he had struck it in. He placed his hands above his head and dove the two hundred foot drop into the water with the trident extending beyond his head. He struck the water silently and was instantly refreshed. Before he knew it he was easily one hundred feet below sea level. Something about the environment around him felt off however. He could not detect any marine life along the entire shoreline. He propelled himself towards the boat at an incredible speed. As he got closer the waves grew quieter. A knot was forming in his stomach. He had not felt this sensation in several years. He reached the ship within seconds. The water around him smelt like blood. A quick survey of his surroundings showed no bodies however, human or otherwise. Still no marine life dared approach the area. He pulled himself up the port side ladder with trident in hand. As soon as he was standing on the deck dripping with water the stench of death overwhelmed him. With his guard raised he slowly crept further into the ship, the cargo containers were like a never ending labyrinth of logos and metal. Arthur turned each corner with his trident raised. He discovered a trail of blood leading to the center of the ship as if someone, or something, was dragging bodies together. Finally he reached the center of the boat. He was immediately repulsed, dozens of bodies were piled up in a mountain of severed limbs. A dark pool of blood covered the deck like a liquid tarp. [color=f26522]"Dear God."[/color] Arthur spoke to himself. He began to step toward the bodies. Then he heard a screech. He turned around to see a black skinned creature leaping at him from atop the mountain of containers. He lifted his weapon and pierced the beast through the chest. It was large and humanoid but it looked malformed. Its fish-like scales offered little protection against his weapon as the monster was impaled sending a gush of salty tasting blood dripping into Arthur's mouth. Something about the creature looked familiar. "Gah!" He heard another yell from behind him. One of the creatures bit into his right shoulder with its razor sharp teeth. It barely pierced his orange Atlantean scale armor but it did not breach his skin. With a grunt he threw the creature over his shoulder and stomped on its head. It squished like a melon. [color=f26522]"You creatures sure are ugly."[/color] He said as he turned around to stab another fish man. It fell to its knees and finally Arthur recognized his foe. The Trench. [color=f26522]"Where are the survivors?"[/color] He yelled at the two other beasts approaching him. He knew the question would receive no answer but he was desperate to find something. To save someone. The creatures only screamed again as several more joined their brethren. With a battle cry of his own Aquaman charged.